WHI: SOL 8a Islam
On Map A Europe Africa Asia Arabian Peninsula Taurus Mountains (drawn on your map) Sahara Desert (pg. 671) Libyan Desert (pg. 671) Atlas Mountains (pg. 671) Caucasus Mountains (pg. 673) Zagros Mountains (pg. 673) Pyrenees Mountains (pg. 675) Spain (pg. 674)
On Map B Arabian Desert (pg. 307) Use textbook pg. 673 Egypt (pg. 670) Use pg. 315 for the following: Constantinople Medina Mecca Jerusalem Use textbook pg. 673 Mediterranean Sea Arabian Sea Red Sea Persian Gulf Black Sea Caspian Sea Gulf of Aden Rub al-Khali Arabian Peninsula Asia Minor
Map Questions If you were to travel from the Pyrenees Mountains to the Zagros Mountains, in what intermediate direction do you travel? What body of water separates Arabia from Egypt? How wide is the Arabian Peninsula at its widest point?
Origins of Islam Muhammad, the Prophet Born in Mecca in 570 a.d. Wealthy trader, travelled throughout Middle East (interacted with Jews and Christians) Heard the voice of the angel Gabriel telling him he was to be a messenger of God (Allah) 622 a.d. chased out of Mecca Hijra-journey from Mecca to Yathrib (renamed Medina)
Origins Mecca and Medina on the Arabian Peninsula: Early Muslim cities Returned to Mecca and conquered the city in 622 a.d. Established the Kaaba as a temple built by Abraham to worship the one true God Muhammad died in 632 a.d. religion spread out from Mecca and Medina
Spread of Islam Across Asia and Africa and into Spain Geographic extent of first Muslim empire
Beliefs, traditions, and customs of Islam Monotheism: Allah (Arabic word for God) Qur’an (Koran): The word of God (holy book) Acceptance of Judeo-Christian prophets, including Moses and Jesus **Mosque: **Minaret:
Beliefs Five Pillars of Islam Shahada: belief in one true God (Allah) Pray 5 times a day facing toward Mecca Zakat: Charity to the poor Ramadan: fasting during their holy month (sunup to sundown) Hajj: journey to Mecca at least once in a lifetime
Muslim Life Sharia: body of law that includes interpretations of the Qur’an Regulates Muslim life- moral conduct, family life, business practices, government, and aspects of individual and community life. Unites Muslims under a common legal framework