Understanding addition and subtraction Guidance for teachers: For pupils to understand the operation of addition and related vocabulary and recognize that addition can be done in any order. Through modelling the images on the slides and children’s practical experiences, use add ,sum, total, altogether, equals. Read and write the + and = signs.
5 = 2 + 3 Let’s read this number sentence. How can we make six?, what is the smallest/biggest number,how do you know?
2 + Let’s read this number sentence. How can we make six?, what is the smallest/biggest number,how do you know?
2 + 3 Let’s read this number sentence. How can we make six?, what is the smallest/biggest number,how do you know?
2 + 3 = 5 Let’s read this number sentence. How can we make six?, what is the smallest/biggest number,how do you know?