for being here today!
Total Disbursements: $997,312* 2016 Goals Fundraise In-state Events Visibility Increase member involvement Raising adequate funds to support members who matter Increased in-state exposure with members of Congress Maximizing visibility in D.C. Growing NAB member involvement Total Disbursements: $997,312* $66,176 increase over 2014 271 members supported $312, 100 House R $267,000 House D $203,000 Senate R $180,000 Senate D
Fundraising RAISE $1,225,000 GROW 783 Donors Represents 50 more donors or 7% growth and $50,000 more dollars or 4% growth
Current Dollar Breakdown 50 donors ahead and $30,000 ahead of 2015 through Q3 Disbursed $789k this year, not including earmarks ($1,002,414). That’s $150k more than this time last year. $240,150 total earmarks last year.
Current Donor Breakdown 692 Donors 46% renewals = 320 donors 31% new = 216 donors 23% upgrades = 156 donors
Opportunities for Growth 2013-2015 Lapsed donors $200k + Pledges $100k NAB members without prior approval PAC eligible with no giving history 38 Diamond Club 118 A-lister 40 Broadcast Leaders 118 Congressional Club 125 Capitol Club 345 Power Player A 54 Diamond Club / 135 A-lister / 40 Broadcast Leaders / 144 Congressional Club / 139 Capitol Club / 429 Power Player
In-state Events $425,200 $457,400 $66,165 Earmarks are 20% of NABPAC donations. Need to make sure they give $2,500 first or do it only for NABPAC events $50,000
In-state breakdown $15k Rep. Collins Sen. Klobuchar $46.5k Rep. Upton Rep. Walden TBD: Speaker Ryan NY: $56k (SLC) Sen. Schumer $17k Rep. Thune TBD: Sen Manchin $22k Sen. Grassley $30k Sen. Blunt $26k Rep. Goodlatte TBD: Rep Cardenas TBD – Sen. Manchin (WV) Rep. Ryan (WI) Rep. Cardenas (CA) Sen. Klobuchar (MN) Walden Fundraisers x2 ! 2/20/2016 – 54k & 9/17/2016 - 46k $11.5k Sen. Udall $19.4k Sen. Isakson $22.5k Rep. Murphy $37k Rep. Brady
Visibility Presence at all NAB events / Perks at NAB events / Ties / SAE materials / relationships with committees and fundraisers / NAB Staff / Instate events / creative fundraising
Member Involvement $216,428 $80,000
Participation Rates Donors With the exception of Alpha and NASBA everyone else held a company solicitation
Participation Rates Dollars
Industry Comparison By Cycle
Blitz Goals FIND $5-10k COLLECT If every Trustee finds $5-10k in new money we will get there. Collecting on pledges is also necessary. COLLECT
Don’t forget to use the GOOGLE FORM for pledges Reminders Wireless Password nab1771! Don’t forget to use the GOOGLE FORM for pledges Plan for tonight: 6:30pm meet-up 7:00pm game
NABPAC RETREAT AGENDA AT A GLANCE ONE & ONLY OCEAN CLUB NASSAU, BAHAMAS JANUARY 12TH-15TH Day 1-Thursday, January 12th Function Time Location Arrivals All Day NA Welcome Reception 6:00-8:00PM Beach Deck Day 2-Friday, January 13th Breakfast 8:00AM-9:00AM Hartford Meeting Room Trustee Meeting 9:00AM- 12:00PM Dinner TBD Day 3-Saturday, January 14th Hospitality Cabana 11:00AM-3:00PM Poolside Farewell Reception 6:30PM-7:00PM Pool Terrace East Farewell Dinner 7:00PM-9:00PM Day 4-Sunday, January 15th Departures DECEMBER 1, 2016