SEN and Disability – National Policy Update National Sensory Impaired Partnership (NATSIP) 31 January 2012 André Imich, SEN and Disability Professional Adviser, DfE
Green Paper feedback Pathfinders Other development Your questions Areas Covered Green Paper feedback Pathfinders Other development Your questions 2
Chapter 1: Early identification and assessment training for the children’s workforce; encouraging more joint-working across agencies, listening to parents more; plans for improving the health and development review at age 2 to 2 1/2 through expanded health visiting services. single assessment process and Education, Health and Care Plan
Chapter 2: Giving parents control Local offer of services Personal budgets Mediation School choice
Chapter 3: Learning and achieving Building specialist expertise in schools and colleges School based SEN category Behavioural, emotional and social difficulties School accountability
Chapter 4: Preparing for Adulthood Transition planning Role of general practitioners Education, training and work
Chapter 5: Services working together for families Three core features of role of LA: – securing a range of high quality provision; – strategic planning of services; and – enabling families to make informed choices and exercise greater control over services. Local commissioning of health services Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) SEN Support Services Educational psychologists Collaboration between local services Funding arrangements
Pathfinder – Three Common Objectives DfE and DH have appointed 20 pathfinders representing 31 local authorities and PCT partners to: Develop a new birth to 25 assessment process and single plan incorporating education, health and social care assessments, bringing together the range of support; Explore how the voluntary and community sector could improve access to specialist expertise and to introduce more independence to the process; and Ensure the full engagement of children, young people, and their parents and families.
Pathfinder activity All pathfinders will work within existing statutory frameworks to test core elements, including: A multi-agency approach, with clear lines of accountability Links between support planning and strategic commissioning, particularly through health and well-being boards Use of personal funding Pooled and aligned budgets Focus on outcomes in a single plan VFM and cost Mediation Some pathfinders will test optional elements of banded funding, age range, support to parents and support to vulnerable groups
SEN Pathfinders 2011 Surrey&B&Hove& ESussex& Hamps& WSussex Kent& Medway Southampton Wiltshire Devon Cornwall + I o Scilly Greenwich Bromley & Bexley Lewisham Hertfordshire Northamptonshire & Leics City Nottinghamshire Solihull Trafford Oldham & Rochdale Manchester Wigan Gateshead Hartlepool & Darlington Calderdale NYorks
Early Years Foundation Stage Consultation on revised draft EYFS – summer 2011 Reducing Early Learning Goals (ELGs) from 69 to 17 For each ELG, practitioners assess, using best-fit judgement, whether children are at ‘expected’ level, ‘exceeding’ it or below it (‘emerging’) Generally positive response to new ELGs – mathematics and literacy received most comments Further consultation on the ELGs – closed on 19 January 2012 Revised EYFS implemented from September 2012
Exclusion from schools and pupil referral units in England - A guide for those with legal responsibilities in relation to exclusion (CONSULTATION) Consultation ends – Friday 17 Feb 2012
Statutory guidance to LAs about SEN expert Where requested by a parent, LAs will need to appoint a “SEN expert” to attend an independent review panel. “SEN expert” - a professional with suitable expertise and experience of the requirements on schools in relation to identifying and supporting SEN and disability, e.g.: EP; specialist SEN teacher; or behaviour support teacher. Role -“expert witness”, providing impartial advice to the panel on how SEN might be relevant to the exclusion - whether the school’s policies, or their application in relation to the excluded pupil, could be construed as unlawful, unreasonable, irrational or disproportional insofar as SEN and / or disability are concerned. All parties should be allowed to ask questions of the expert. The SEN expert’s role does not include making an assessment of the pupil’s educational needs.
Phonics Check Year 1 phonics sample materials: The phonics screening check must be administered during the week commencing 18 June 2012
Reform of public service - The wider picture: Principles for a reformed adult social care system: Personalisation: individuals not institutions take control of their care. Plurality: the variety of people’s needs is matched by diverse service provision, with a broad market of high quality service providers. Partnership Protection Productivity People
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