River Administration of the Lower Danube ROMANIAN RIS ACTIVITIES Danube Commission RIS Workshop, Budapest, 11 April, 2011 Romeo SOARE, AFDJ Galati DISC`06 - BUDAPEST, November 7th - 8th, 2006 DUTU CLAUDIU, AFDJ GALATIDISC`06 - BUDAPEST, November 7th - 8th, 2006
ROMANIAN RIS ACTIVITIES AGENDA 1. Ro – RIS 2. VTMIS on the Danube-Black Sea Canal 3. ENC`s 4. Projects (NEWADA, IRIS Europe II)
ROMANIAN RIS ACTIVITIES Ro – RIS First phase, finalized; Second phase, the system implement new services; Interconnection with the similar system from Austria, Ungaria, Slovacia, Bulgaria and Serbia. 3
RoRIS 2: VTS Coverage 35 local centers (full VTS and stand-alone) on 1075 km 4 full regional RIS centers 1 national RIS center
ROMANIAN RIS ACTIVITIES Ro – RIS System components: AIS Network; Radar sensor; CCTV system; Meteo stations; Network communication for voice VHF; System services : software applications; Interface with other systems / institutions; 5
RoRIS 2: 1 Integrated System Radar AIS VHF Comm. CCTV Meteo RIS system Infrastructure
ROMANIAN RIS ACTIVITIES Ro – RIS, System components AIS Network; The system - on three levels: - Local base stations, or isolated points along the Danube; - Four regional centers in Drobeta Turnu Severin, Giurgiu, Galati, Tulcea; - A national center in Constanta; 7
Actual Romanian AIS status Sulina Mahmudia Drobeta Turnu Severin Giurgiu Constantza Actual Romanian AIS status
Future Romanian river AIS network Galati Sulina Mahmudia Orsova Moldova Noua Drobeta Harsova Drencova Cernavoda Calafat Calarasi Oltenita Giurgiu Constantza Bechet Corabia Turnu Magurele Zimnicea Future Romanian river AIS network
Future Romanian river AIS network Galati Tulcea Sulina Moldova Noua Orsova Mahmudia Drobeta Harsova Drencova Trikule Cernavoda Calafat Gruia Calarasi Oltenita Giurgiu Constantza Bechet Corabia Turnu Magurele Zimnicea Future Romanian river AIS network
Future Romanian AIS Danube – Black Sea Canal network Baspresentation 2004 9/12/2018 Cernavoda Ovidiu Medgidia Constantza Basarabi Agigea Straja Future Romanian AIS Danube – Black Sea Canal network 12
Future Romanian Full AIS network ( Inland & sea) Galati Tulcea Sulina Orsova Mahmudia Moldova Noua Drobeta Harsova Drencova Cernavoda Trikule Calafat Calarasi Oltenita Constantza Giurgiu Bechet Corabia Turnu Magurele Canal Zimnicea Future Romanian Full AIS network ( Inland & sea) 13
ROMANIAN RIS ACTIVITIES Ro – RIS, Component system Radar sensor; 24h / 7 days, monitoring; New locations: Moldova Veche, Orşova, Drobeta Turnu Severin, Giurgiu, Olteniţa, Călăraşi, Cernavodă, Brăila, Galaţi, Galaţi – Grindu, Galaţi – Vărsare Prut, Tulcea şi Sulina. Video sensor day/night; Day / night - distance from 30 - 4000m. Locations : Moldova Veche, Orşova, Drobeta Turnu Severin, Calafat, Giurgiu, Călăraşi, Cernavodă, Brăila, Galaţi, Galaţi – Grindu, Galaţi – Vărsare Prut, Tulcea, Sulina. 14
ROMANIAN RIS ACTIVITIES Ro – RIS, Component system Meteo station; every location where there ECDIS console operator. the sensors for measuring, Wind (direction and speed), Air temperature and Visibility. Network communication for voice VHF; Information services on the waterways on temporary obstruction of waterways; Strategic information services; Support services for disaster situations; Management services locks and drawbridges; Trip planning services; Support Services for the imposition of laws and rules; 15
ROMANIAN RIS ACTIVITIES Ro – RIS, Component system Software applications; upgraded / replaced the following applications: Application traffic management type ECDIS River Shipyard; Electronic Reporting of trips (ELECTRONIC SHIP REPORTING); Notice to skippers; Service support for disaster mitigation (Calamity ABATEMENT) Application monitoring ship dangerous goods (Dangerous Goods) 16
ROMANIAN RIS ACTIVITIES Ro – RIS, Component system Software applications; new applications: Application registration / recording vessel Application type database for identification of vessels (HULL DATABASE) Application crew Synthetic Information on inland water traffic Interface with other systems / institutions; Interface for data transfer by the Border Police Interface VTMIS Danube-Black Sea Canal Interface AFDJ Interface for integration with other national centers RIS 17
ROMANIAN RIS ACTIVITIES Ro – RIS Current status: Initiation Phase : finalized Software : prototype delivered for evaluation Design Phase : finalized, in evaluation 18
AIS network with full coverage of the Canal VHF network ROMANIAN RIS ACTIVITIES 2. Danube Black Sea Canal VTMIS – System highlights AIS network with full coverage of the Canal VHF network Data communication network with fiber optic and radio link backbones Real-time monitoring and diagnostics subsystem 20
ROMANIAN RIS ACTIVITIES 2. Danube Black Sea Canal VTMIS – RIS Services Electronic Reporting Notices to Skippers Calamity abatement ECDIS with up-to-date charts Dangerous goods monitoring Lock management Automatic invoicing Statistics 21
Evolution of Romanian ENC`s in 2010 About the Romanian ENC`s In January to April 2010 was completed the whole Romanian sector with sector between rkm 375 – rkm 297. In July to September 2010, ENC maps was completed for the sector between rkm 297 to Black Sea. In the same period the entire map was made for the Danube - Black Sea channal and for the entire secondary channel between Poarta Alba to Midia Navodari - Black Sea. Throughout the year 2010 was made monthly updates about the coastal signaling in sector between Chiciu, rkm 375 - Timok, rkm 845
Evolution of Romanian ENC`s in 2010 About ENC software and trainings In the second quarter, in June the entire software package from SevenCs Germany (ENC Designer, ENC Analyzer, ENC Optimizer, ENC Referencer, ENC Manager) was updated and was made training session in Romania. Now we have opportunity to update the ENC`s form version 1.02 to version 2.1 for entire Romanian sector of Danube.
Ortofoto image Geometry image ECDIS image Romanian ENC`s
ROMANIAN RIS ACTIVITIES D4D (Data for Warehouse) Contract with Geomapping; Microstation V8i and Bentley Map, achieve and training; Romanian subdomain: http://ro.d4d-portal.info Accord with Serbia and Bulgaria, for maintain the database; D4D Tools, already installed; 25
ROMANIAN RIS ACTIVITIES PROJECTS IRIS Europe II, started in April 2009, Activity 1 – Pilot implementation of selected Fairway Information Services (FIS) Actual depth data provision to fairway users Provision of water level information based on water level models to fairway users Enhanced Notices to Skippers Wireless RIS Services for fairway users based upon wireless broadband technologies DISC`06 - BUDAPEST, November 7th - 8th, 2006 DUTU CLAUDIU, AFDJ GALATIDISC`06 - BUDAPEST, November 7th - 8th, 2006
ROMANIAN RIS ACTIVITIES Activity 2 - Pilot implementation Traffic and Transport related RIS Services Standardisation; Enhancement of pilot infrastructures (on shore) Enhancement of pilot infrastructures (on board) Romania: already installed 180 Inland AIS transponders (mobile)
ROMANIAN RIS ACTIVITIES Activity 3 – Pilot implementation Technical and Administrative Agreement) The participating member states of IRIS Europe agreed that a multilateral legal agreement among the member states is recommended as basis for the international data exchange
ROMANIAN RIS ACTIVITIES NEWADA Partner AFDJ, and Leader of the WP 4 (Ro) Harmonisation of waterway infrastructure; Update ENC Tools and training; Achieve the FME Tools; Implementation of D4D in Romania; Preparing the National Strategy Plan for optimisation the waterway maintenance and for hydrology and hydrography;
ROMANIAN RIS ACTIVITIES Thank you for your attention . Romeo SOARE: romeo_soare@yahoo.com