Preparation for ITU Council 2016


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Presentation transcript:

Preparation for ITU Council 2016 Kirill Oparin, Deputy Director, Department of International Cooperation Preparation for ITU Council 2016

Preparation for ITU Council 2016 Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications Proposals for consideration by 2016 ITU Council session Revisions of Decision and Resolution Revision of Decision 556 - Submission and publication of documentation for Council sessions and CWG meetings Revision of Resolution 1332- ITU role in the implementation of the WSIS outcomes Other proposals Proposal for CWG-Internet operations Proposals on MoU between ITU and DONA Foundation New draft Council Resolution, if any New Council Resolution XX - Expert Group on the International Telecommunication Regulations (EG-ITR)

Preparation for ITU Council 2016 Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications Revision of Decision 556 Submission and publication of documentation for Council sessions and CWG meetings One of the main sources for preparation of contributions are documents of the Secretariat which have to be considered on Council or CWG and according to which it is necessary to make a decision. Therefore, MS and SM need to have the materials of the Secretariat at least in two weeks prior to the deadline of submission of documents for Council sessions and CWG to prepare the contributions. It is advisable to establish the deadline of 30 calendar days before opening of Council sessions and CWG meetings for publishing of documents from the Secretariat on the corresponding website according to which Council or the Council working group have to make the decision. ADD NEW DECIDES 3 that documents of the secretariat according to which Council or the Council working group have to make a decision shall be posted on the corresponding website not later than 30 calendar days before the opening of a Council session or a Council working group meeting

Preparation for ITU Council 2016 Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications Revision of Resolution 1332 - next steps ITU Role in the implementation of WSIS beyond 2015 and its contribution to the implementation of goals and targets of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development To support CWG WSIS proposals (doc C16/8) To support the participation of ITU in the UN Inter-Agency Task Force on Science, Technology and Innovation in order to achieve the SDGs. To recommend the advisory groups to consider the question on the participation of their sectors in the implementation of the sustainable development goals and objectives. To recommend the Secretary General to provide consultation in UNGIS for holding High-level event WSIS+15 as extended version of 2021(22) WSIS Forum for consideration of implementation of WSIS process and SDGs and preparation of contribution to 2023 SDG High- Level Political Forum. To suppress Resolution 1334 as fully implemented. To modify Council Resolution 1332 based on UNGA Resolution 70/1 and 70/125.

Preparation for ITU Council 2016 Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications Proposal of New Council Resolution [EG-ITR] Expert Group on the International Telecommunication Regulations (EG-ITR) We consider, in accordance with Resolution 146 (REV. BUSAN, 2014), creation of an Expert Group on ITRs (EG-ITR) and establish terms of reference and working methods for EG-ITR, including: adoption the new Council Resolution on EG-ITR containing terms of reference and working methods of EG-ITR nomination the Chairman of EG-ITR and 6 Vice-Chairmen taking into account the results of the Secretary-General informal consultations with representatives of the ITU Member States.

Preparation for ITU Council 2016 Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications Proposal for CWG-Internet operations Council Working Group on International Internet-related Public Policy Issues (CWG-Internet) identifies, studies and develops matters related to international Internet-related public policy issues, including those issues identified in Council Resolution 1305 (2009). Absence of output documents creates a problem for providing recommendations to Council and for future studies these questions by all stakeholders interested in Internet-related public policy issues. CWG-Internet Chairman invited Council to provide guidance to the CWG-Internet on its ToR related to the development of concrete proposals as output documents on matters related to international Internet-related public policy. Russian Federation support request of CWG-Internet Chairman to Council.

Preparation for ITU Council 2016 Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications Proposals on MoU between ITU and DONA Foundation Analysis of the provided information shows that the Secretary-General has acted within his powers when signing MoU with the DONA Foundation, and the concluded agreements haven’t any ITU financial burden. On the contrary, partnership with the DONA Foundation may bring certain benefits to the ITU in the implementation of WSIS outcomes and Sustainable Development Goals, particularly concerning e-environment, provision of supplementary services to intergovernmental organizations and interested States, especially to developing countries, as well as due to voluntary contributions. All of the questions, including additional ones, have received detailed answers with legal justification in the document CWG-FHR 6/19 rev.1. Thus, the concerns that were raised in the documents presented some countries presented to Council and CWG-FHR with regard to the choice of a particular technology, financial and/or strategic implications of the MoU were reasonably clarified. Any new questions demanding any other explanations from the Secretariat at the 6th meeting of CWG-FLR have not been sounded. Consider the MoU concluded between the ITU and the DONA Foundation not to be at variance with the basic instruments of the Union, and being of interest for the ITU Members, particularly for those from developing countries. Interested SGs and WGs of all ITU Sectors as well as interested CWGs are recommended to use in their work information received within frameworks of implementation of the MoU between the ITU and the DONA Foundation.