Personal Injury Occurrence Algoma Rod and Gun Club Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
Occurrence: Accidental Shooting of a 16 year old teen by his father Date: 17 October 2015 Time: 13:21 Hrs Location: Algoma Rod and Gun Club 226 Connor Road, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario Firearm Used: .22 Calibre Semi Automatic Rifle Squire Bingham Incident: While at the firing point the victim walked down range while his father (the R.O. at the time) was clearing a jammed firearm. The father fired the rifle and the son was struck in the back of the neck by a single projectile causing a life threatening injury with paralysis
SIGN IN PROCEDURES FOR ALL MEMBERS AND GUESTS Access Cards are required to raise the front gate and enter the main clubhouse Even if the gate is already open all members must sign in at the main clubhouse All guests are required to register and sign a waiver and acknowledge range safety rules Range fees are collected and placed in a steel box by the sign in register None of these procedures were followed. CAMERAS ON CLUB PROPERTY There are a total of 15 CCTV Cameras on the property with more to come All images are recorded on a central data base and are reviewed weekly The images collected assisted greatly with the investigation by both the police and the Chief Firearms Office
There are numerous signs at the facility Main Entrance Club sign. WARNING SIGNS, FLAGS, LIGHTING AND RANGE RULES There are numerous signs at the facility Main Entrance Club sign. No trespassing signs entire perimeter. Required sign in procedures Range status sign and red strobe lights Range operation and rules signs First aid kits Range officer requirement signs Barriers and warning signs
Identified Issues (1) The family did not sign in as is required by C.F.O. and club policy. (2) The target positions relate to the firing positions. On the #3 range cross firing is not allowed. From the #2 firing position they should have been shooting at the at the #2 target position. This caused a cross fire situation of one position and a resultant 2 degree change in aiming angle from the down range angle of 10 degrees magnetic. (3) The downrange door should remain closed throughout live fire activities and only be opened when the range is declared safe for setting of targets. (4) No firearm while at a “firing position” on a range should be placed in any configuration other than facing directly down range. (5) A loaded firearm while on a range must be placed with the barrel facing down range.
(6) As a certified range officer the father should never have allowed a loaded firearm to be at the #3 position sideways on the bench. Nor should he have been loading it in its present location. This is unsafe and not allowed on any supervised range. No person should ever be forward of a loaded or unloaded firearm on a live range. Before touching the firearm people should have been moved behind the firearm, the firearm unloaded, cleared, and then placed at the firing position and only then be loaded. (7) A range officer’s duty lays in supervising the operation of the range and all personnel in attendance. Once the Range Officers attention is diverted to issues other than supervision of the range ( jammed firearm ) they cannot oversee the safe operation of the range or movement of people in attendance. (8) The victim, being unsupervised, moves down range without his father’s knowledge. This occurs because the father was occupied with the jammed firearm and allegedly did not hear his son state he was going down range even though his hearing protection, while on his head, was not covering his ears at this time. (9) The victim allegedly ignores a caution from his brother that the range is not safe and walks down range. (10) Discharging a firearm without looking in the direction of the barrel and identifying a target or precise direction of fire is unsafe. (11) Uncontrolled movement of people on a range is unsafe for a number of reasons. It causes distraction to the shooters, makes it difficult to anticipate the movement of people and interferes with the safe operation of the range.
Recommendations 1) The club executive will make changes to the range in question. An electronic switch is to be placed on the door leading to the downrange area. If the door is opened the switch will trigger an audible alarm as well as flashing strobes within the firing position. 2) The club will to convene a meeting of all Range Officers to discuss the incident and re-enforce the critical need for range control as it relates to safety. A representative from the C.F.O. will be invited to attend as well. 3) Although all rules and regulations are clearly posted at the range, in the club house and within the club bylaws many were not followed. It is recommended that the membership be reminded of the range rules by newsletter and the need for strict adherence to Range Officer Safety Protocols.
Conclusion Many of the observations made in the body of this presentation only serve to point out that there were ample safety regulations in place and proper training that had been delivered. But, with little supervision of the range during this incident numerous safety violations took place. Without regard for range procedures and proper control, attention diverted elsewhere, the victim ignoring his brother’s advice, the father being occupied with a malfunctioning firearm and then shooting without regard to bullet trajectory, a grievous injury was sustained by the victim.
Algoma Rod and Gun Response Strobe and audible alarm to be placed on door leading down range. Sign that door must remain closed and barred during live shooting to be erected. All range officers are to be given a refresher on range safety and protocols. Enhanced scrutiny of video feeds has been undertaken. Sanctions for violations have been stiffened