The effect of Oregon Climate on Crashes By: Jay Marston, Tyler Wall, and Quinn Brady-Shubert
Project purpose We wanted to see if there was any relationship precipitation and crashes landslides and crashes We predicted that the more precipitation there would be and increase in crashes compared to the dryer parts of Oregon. Also, we predicted that there will be a greater number of crashes will occur around areas that have landslides.
Background Oregon is a state that is filled with different types of terrains and climates. Precipitation rates in wester half of the state are high The central and eastern part are very dry Mountain ranges cause different slopes
Background The area that is has the highest population is in the Willamette Valley which also gets a high amount of precipitation. Major highways that go through Oregon I-84 I-5
Precipitation vs Crashes GIS Methods Raster to polygon Define 1 and 2 as dry, 3 and 4 as moderate, 5 and 6 as wet, 6 and above as very wet Rainfall DEM Reclassify into bins of 500 Search by attribute dry, moderate, wet, and very wet Download data from Oregon Spatial Library Intersect Insert Data File Crashes Open attribute table of fair and above pavement, add field, select short integer type, Label new field COND_INDX Field calculator def Reclass(pc): if "FR" in pc: return 3 elif "GD" in pc: return 4 elif "VG" in pc: return 5 PvmtCond, Select by attribute, pavement condition=fair or good or very good Intersect Crashes with Fair or Above Pavement PvmtCond
Precipitation’s Effect on Crashes
Landslide Effect on Crashes
Intersect crashes/pavement with landslide areas Landslide Data Intersect crashes/pavement with landslide areas Download data from Oregon Spatial Library Insert Data File Crashes PvmtCond, Select by attribute, pavement condition=fair or good or very good Search by attribute table for weather conditions at time of crashes PvmtCond Open attribute table of fair and above pavement, add field, select short integer type, Label new field COND_INDX Intersect Crashes with Fair or Above Pavement Field calculator def Reclass(pc): if "FR" in pc: return 3 elif "GD" in pc: return 4 elif "VG" in pc: return 5 Group all conditions with precipitation (rain, snow, sleet, fog) together, and conditions without precipitation together Compare ratio of crashes that occurred with precipitation and without precipitation for landslide areas and non-landslide areas Repeat last step but this time for crashes that occurred outside of landslide areas
Conclusion The results that we found were that the weather doesn’t necessarily effect the crashes in Oregon Also, landslide areas still have a low rate of crashes as well. There could be other factors involved with the data Our next experiment could look at the time of day and weather conditions and how they effect crashes.
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