Bread – practical lesson Objective……….. Use the appropriate techniques with care and accuracy to make a quality product. Weigh and measure accurately. Select and use a range of equipment safely and confidently.
Bread – practical lesson Secure assessment criteria. I can work on my own but will ask for help if required. I can use the tools and equipment correctly when shown. My bread is complete and well made. I can clear away and work with others. Exceeding assessment criteria. I am confident and can work with some independence. My bread is well prepared and put together. I have used various ingredients with thought of flavours and textures. There is creativity to my product. I can clear away and work with others without any reminding. I am organised and well prepared. Highest assessment criteria. I am independent and can make decisions without consultation. My bread is very creative and shows different construction. It is carefully made and is well finished. I can organise myself and others to complete effectively.
Bread making. Equipment list You will need……… mixing bowl wooden spoon small bowl tablespoon – the biggest spoon in the drawer teaspoon- the smallest spoon in the drawer measuring jug Head chefs – make sure your kitchen has all their equipment ready to use. Come and sit down when you have done this.
Bread making. Task 2 measure 225 grams of flour 2 teaspoons of yeast ½ teaspoon of salt and put into a glass mixing bowl- keep yeast and salt separate add any extra ingredients – cheese, fruit, herbs etc. 2 tablespoons of oil into a plastic bowl 150 ml of warm water into the measuring jug Head chefs – make sure your kitchen does not mix the wet and dry ingredients together! use the check list to help with the measurements. . Come and sit down when you have done this.
Bread making. Task 3 add the oil and gradually add the warm water. mix together with the wooden spoon until it’s a soft dough. If its like porridge you have gone too far!! oil the work surface. gather it into a ball and knead until soft, springy, elastic and smooth – this may take 10 minutes. Head chefs – make sure your kitchen is on task and they have successfully mixed their dough. Offer advice about kneading if needed!
Bread making Task 4 Shape dough and put onto a baking tray – make sure you use a silicone sheet! You can make cobs, plaits, bread sticks etc – its your choice. Slit if required. Using the oven gloves carefully put into the oven making sure all in your kitchen are aware. Check the time - they will take 15-20 minutes depending on the size Head chefs – make sure your kitchen is working calmly, safely and helping each other.
Bread making Task 5 wash and clear away in your kitchen remember hot soapy water, clean tea towels and dishcloths all equipment must be clean and dry and back in the right place. Put dirty cloths in the green bucket. Head Chefs – please check your kitchen is working as a team to get this done.
Bread making Task 6 when your bread looks golden and well risen check with me. Using the oven gloves carefully take out of the oven making sure all in your kitchen are aware. remember it will sound hollow when you tap the bottom. put on a rack to cool – be careful the baking tray will still be hot for a while. complete the evaluation sheet in your folder. Head chefs – just check your kitchens are clean and tidy