Nicolás Arana Jair Sandhaus Nelson Rojas Francesca Piirroja NUTRITION Eat healthy Grow healthy 1.80 1.70 1.60 1.50 1.40 Nicolás Arana Jair Sandhaus Nelson Rojas Francesca Piirroja 5 “B”
NUTRITION Nutrition is the provision, to cells and organisms, of the materials necessary (in the form of food) to support life. Many common health problems can be prevented or alleviated with a healthy diet. A poor diet can have an injurious impact on health, causing deficiency and diseases. Good nutrition requires a satisfactory diet, which is capable of supporting the individual in a state of good health by providing the desired nutrients in required amounts.
Causes and consequences of bad nutrition Bad nutrition refers to insufficient, excessive or imbalanced consumption of nutrients. It is the consequence of not complying with a balanced diet quality and quantity. Bad nutrition can make you feel tired, lethargic or just plain lousy. Bad nutrition can have an effect on your potential growth and development, and it can also increase your risk of developing serious diseases later on your life. A bad diet greatly increases your risk of conditions such as: Obesity Type 2 diabetes Heart disease High blood pressure High Cholesterol Osteoporosis Cancer
Effects of Good Nutrition The effects of good nutrition on the body are as visible as the effects of bad nutrition on the body. The difference is that the bad nutrition can destroy the body, while good nutrition only supports and builds up the body.
Steps to healthy eating 1 2 Eat a nutritious diet based on a variety of foods originating mainly from, plants rather than animals. Eat bread, grains, pasta, rice, or potatoes several times per day. Eat a variety of vegetables and fruits several times per day. Control fat intake (not more than30% of daily energy). Maintain body weight between the recommended limits. 3 4 5
Steps to healthy eating 6 7 Use milk and dairy products that are low in both fat and salt. Select foods that is low in sugar. If alcohol is consumed, limit intake to no more than 2 standard drinks per day. Prepare foods in a safe and hygienic way. Reduce the amount of added fat. Replace fatty meat and meat products with beans, legumes, lentils, fish, poultry or lean meat. 8 9 10
A Balanced Diet The key to a healthy lifestyle and keeping your weight in check is following a balanced diet that includes all the right foods in the right amounts. The term "balanced diet", is a diet that includes a combination of several different food types, including grains and pulses, fresh fruits and vegetables, meat, dairy products, fats and oils. The idea of a balance diet is including foods in the right proportions; the aim is to get all the nutrients your body needs while maintaining a healthy weight. A healthy diet plan is a key ingredient to a long and healthy life.
“The Food Guide Pyramid, help you everyday to have a good nutrition” The food pyramid, is an excellent tool to help you make healthy food choices, can help you choose from a variety of foods so you get the nutrients you need, and the suggested serving sizes can help you control the amount of calories, fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, sugar or sodium in your diet. “The Food Guide Pyramid, help you everyday to have a good nutrition”
Nutrition in our society As part of the research of this presentation, we were part of a initiative from a Citibank, this initiative was the Global Community Day. On Nov 7th the employees of this company worked as a team in the restorations of a low resource school in one of the poorest areas in Lima (Huaycan). As part of the help a group of employees and us gave to the parents committee a presentation of Nutrition for the children.
Nutrition Interviews - video Marta Neves - Nutritionist Erika Noriega - Psycologyst