In The Money Vocabulary Workshop 5.


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Presentation transcript:

In The Money Vocabulary Workshop 5

1. Calculate Cal-cu-late (Verb) – an action word Meaning – To calculate is to work out something using math. Examples One thing that I have to calculate is how much money I spend per week. I calculated how much money I needed to save up to buy my Ipod. According to my calculations, I will have to study for one hour a day to get an A in this class.

How would you calculate how long it would take for you to save up to buy an Ipod? Why is it important for people to calculate their car payments before buying a new car?

2. Compensate Com-pen-sate (Verb) – an action word Meaning – To compensate is to pay with money or something of value. Examples I think kids should be compensated for doing chores. I will be compensated for working overtime with extra pay. Companies often compensate hard workers. If somebody owes you money, you should seek compensation.

How much should you be compensated for babysitting? In my opinion, I should be compensated ______________ for babysitting. How would you compensate a friend who offers to do you a favor? I would compensate my friend by… Do you think kids should be compensated for doing chores? Why or why not? In my opinion, kids (should/should not) be compensated for doing chores because…

3. Moderate Mod-er-ate (Adjective) – a describing word Meaning – Moderate means not extreme Examples A moderate amount to spend on a CD is fourteen dollars. I try to eat moderately to watch my weight. It is good to save a moderate amount of money every week. Drinking red wine is good for you, but only in moderation.

What do you think is a moderate price to pay to watch a movie? In my opinion, a moderate price to pay to watch a movie would be… What do you think is a moderate amount of studying every day? Why do you think that it is important to moderate the amount of your spending?

4. Priority Pri-or-i-ty (noun) – A person, place, or thing Meaning – A priority is the most important thing. Examples A priority of mine is to have Sunday dinner with my family. My friends are always my first priority. Getting good grades is one of my priorities in life. If I want to learn how to manage my time, I have to learn how to prioritize.

Why is it important to learn how to prioritize your time? As a teenager, what do you think should be one of your top priorities? Why? A top priority for teenagers should be ________ because… Why is it important to learn how to prioritize your time? In my opinion, it is important to learn how to prioritize time so that… What do you think is a priority for your parents?

5. Strategy Strat-e-gy (Noun) – a person, place or thing Meaning – A strategy is a plan. Examples I have a new strategy for saving money; no more shopping! One good test taking strategy is to review right before the test. Military leaders strategize on how to win battles. My friend looked very upset, so I had to be very strategic in how I talked to him.

What are some strategies that you use on a test? What is a good strategy for saving money?

6. Management Man-age-ment (noun) – a thing Meaning – the act of organizing something. Examples Businesses with good management make a lot of money. Time management is important for students who have a lot to do.

Why is it important to have good money management? What does good health management involve? Good health management involves _________, ____________, and ____________________.

7. Debt Debt (noun) – a thing Meaning – money owed Examples If you do not pay your bills you will fall in to debt. Using a credit card carelessly can lead a person into debt.

What should somebody do to stay out of debt? Why do you think being in debt can often be stressful for people? In my opinion, being in debt is can be stressful because…

8. Credible Cred-i-ble (Adjective) – a describing word Meaning - believable Examples If you lie to somebody, you will lose credibility with them. When reading information from a website, it is important to make sure that the site is credible.

How might a teenager lose credibility with his parents? In my opinion, a teenager would likely lose credibility with his parents if… What might be a credible excuse for being late for school?

9. Addiction Ad-dic-tion (noun) – A thing Meaning – A dangerous habit Examples Cigarette addiction is associated with many health problems. Drug and alcohol addiction has the potential to destroy a person’s life.

Why might drug addiction be dangerous? What advice would you give to somebody trying to escape alcohol addiction? I would advise somebody trying to escape alcohol addiction to…

10. Compulsive Com-pul-sive (adjective) – a describing word Meaning – unable to stop or control Examples Gambling can become a compulsive habit. If somebody is drinking compulsively, they may be an alcoholic.

Why might compulsive gambling be dangerous? What are some compulsive habits that people might find annoying?

11. Anonymous A-no-ny-mous (adjective) – a describing word Meaning – unnamed Examples The police received an anonymous tip. According to one employee, who wishes to remain anonymous, the company engaged in illegal activities.

Why would somebody tipping off the police want to remain anonymous? Why might an author want to remain anonymous?

12. Impulse Im-pulse (noun) – a thing Meaning – a sudden urge Examples I had a sudden impulse to eat something sweet. I had a sudden impulse to laugh. Sometimes impulsive people make bad decisions.

When is it bad to be impulsive? Why? People should not be impulsive when ____________ because… Why is having a habit of buying things on impulse harmful?

13. Wage Wage (noun) – a thing Meaning –the amount of money earned Examples Some people feel that the minimum wage is too low. He earns a good wage.

What might be a good wage for a teenager’s first job? What is something you might do if you want to increase your wages? Individuals seeking to increase their wages should…

14. Ignorance Ig-no-rance (noun) – A person, place, or thing Meaning – lack of knowledge Examples Though I am an expert at basketball, I am ignorant about hockey. Excuse my ignorance, but how does it actually work?

How can people avoid ignorance about current events? How might ignorance about money lead to financial problems?