SKELETAL SYSTEM Click the picture for a short video
FUNCTION – “The Frame” Support Movement Protection of internal organs Bones store calcium Bone marrow produces red blood cells
MAJOR ORGANS Bones Cartilage – flexible connective tissue. Tendons – attaches muscles to bones. Ligaments – connects bones to each other.
TISSUES Connective tissue (cartilage, bone, ligaments, tendons) Spongy bone tissue (Bone marrow)
CELLS Oseocytes (bone cells)
MUSCULAR SYSTEM Click the picture for a short video
FUNCTION – “Bundles of Energy” Movement Specialized muscles are part of most body systems and aid in functions such as circulation and digestion
TISSUES Muscle tissue Skeletal muscle – muscles used for voluntary movement Smooth muscle – muscles used for involuntary movement in hollow organs Cardiac muscle – heart muscle
CELLS Muscle cells
CIRCULATORY SYSTEM CARDIOVASCULAR Cardiovascular System Cardio/Cardiac means “heart”
CIRCULATORY SYSTEM CARDIOVASCULAR Click the picture for a short video about the CARDIOVASCULAR (CIRCULATORY) STSYTEM Click here for more information about the circulatory system
FUNCTION – “The Life Pump” Transports different materials needed to live throughout the body, including: Oxygen Carbon dioxide (CO2) Waste materials Nutrients
MAJOR ORGANS Heart – provides continuous blood circulation
MAJOR ORGANS Blood vessels – carries blood Arteries – carries blood away from heart Veins – carries blood toward the heart Capillaries – blood vessels that form a network between arteries and veins
TISSUES Blood is a fluid connective tissue Smooth muscle tissue (walls of blood vessels) Cardiac (heart) muscle
CELLS Cardiac (heart) cells Blood cells Red blood cells carry oxygen White blood cells help fight infection
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RESPIRATORY SYSTEM It is made up of the organs in your body that help you breathe. Respiration = breathing. Click the picture for a short video
FUNCTION – “The Air Bags” Exchanges oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) gases Carbon dioxide is removed from blood sent to the lungs Oxygen is added to the blood leaving the lungs Allows speech
MAJOR ORGANS Trachea Lungs Diaphragm Bronchus Bronchioles Alveoli
OTHER STRUCTURES Nose / Nasal Cavity Mouth Larynx Pharynx
TISSUES Skeletal muscle tissue (diaphragm) Epithelial lining (lining of nose and mouth, trachea, bronchus, bronchioles, alveoli)
CELLS Epithelial cells make up almost all of the tissues in the respiratory system
IMMUNE SYSTEM Click diagram for more information
FUNCTION –”The Disease Warriors” Protects the body from disease (You may have to log into to use interactive link.)
TISSUES Lymph tissue
CELLS White Blood Cells
DIGESTIVE SYSTEM Click the picture for a short video Click here for more information on digestion
FUNCTION – “The Food Factory” Breaks down food into a form the body can use Involves physical and chemical changes
MAJOR ORGANS Mouth Esophagus Stomach Liver Gall Bladder Pancreas Intestines
TISSUES and CELLS Smooth muscle tissue Smooth muscle cells
Lets Practice! How many of the following are ORGANIC COMPOUNDS? Compound: NaCl Common Name: Table Salt Compound: H2O Common Name: Water Compound: C10H20O Common Name: Menthol Compound: CH4 Common Name: Methane Compound: C8H10N4O2 Common Name: Caffeine Compound: NH4 Common Name: Ammonia Compound: C13H18O Common Name: Ibuprofen Compound: C19H16O4 Common Name: Warfarin 42
Compound: NaCl Common Name: Table Salt Compound: H2O Common Name: Water Compound: C10H20O Common Name: Menthol Compound: CF4 Common Name: Carbon Tetraflouride Compound: C8H10N4O2 Common Name: Caffeine Compound: NH4 Common Name: Ammonia Compound: C13H18O Common Name: Ibuprofen Compound: C19H16O4 Common Name: Warfarin
Organic compound chain made of small units called SUGARS! CARBOHYDRATE Organic compound chain made of small units called SUGARS!
EXCRETORY SYSTEM Click the picture for a short video
The Excretory System Also known as the Urinary System
FUNCTION – “The Garbage Collector” Removes wastes from blood Allows wastes to leave the body
MAJOR ORGANS Kidneys Ureter Bladder Urethra Click diagram for more information
TISSUES Nephrons (tissue in kidneys) Smooth muscle
CELLS Smooth muscle cells
Homeostasis Excretion maintains homeostasis by keeping the body’s internal environment stable and free of harmful levels of chemicals.
Why is the Excretory System Important? The major organs of the excretory system eliminate urea, water, and other wastes from the body.
INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM Click diagram for more information For more information, click here.
FUNCTION – “The Armor” Covers and protects internal structures Regulates body temperature Keeps body from losing water
MAJOR ORGANS Skin Sweat glands Hair Nails
TISSUES Epidermal tissue Dermal tissue
CELLS Epidermal (skin) cells
NERVOUS SYSTEM Click diagram for more information
FUNCTION – “The Control Center” Sends throughout the body Controls voluntary and involuntary functions
MAJOR ORGANS Brain Spinal cord Nerves
TISSUES Nerve tissue
CELLS Neurons (nerve cells) Axons dendrites
ENDOCRINE SYSTEM Click diagram for more information
FUNCTIONS – “The Chemical Coordinator” Produces hormones that regulates body functions that happen slowly, such as growth
MAJOR ORGANS Glands Adrenal Pituitary Thyroid Thymus Pancreas Reproductive glands (ovaries and testes)
Hormones and Receptors Hormones are chemical messengers that interact with receptors.
TISSUES Tissues that secrete hormones
CELLS Gland cells secrete hormones “Target cells” receive the hormones
FUNCTION – “The Baby Factory” Produces offspring
MAJOR ORGANS Ovaries Uterus Testes
TISSUES Specialized tissues for egg and sperm production
CELLS Sex cells (gametes) Eggs Sperm