Science Sprint #9 Sound and Light The _____ of a sound is the number of vibrations in a given time. Science Sprint #9 Sound and Light Science Sprint #9: Sound and Light 4A Sound is a form of energy produced by: An object vibrating faster will have a higher frequency and a higher _____. Science Sprint #9: Sound and Light 1A Science Sprint #9: Sound and Light 5A How is sound transmitted (how does it travel)? What is the distance between two compressions or two rarefactions? Science Sprint #9: Sound and Light 2A Science Sprint #9: Sound and Light 6A What kind of matter does sound travel through fastest? What is the top of a wave called? Science Sprint #9: Sound and Light 3A Science Sprint #9: Sound and Light 7A
(because the particles are frequency Science Sprint #9: Sound and Light 4B pitch Vibrating matter high frequency/pitch low frequency/pitch Science Sprint #9: Sound and Light 5B Science Sprint #9: Sound and Light 1B wavelength in waves Science Sprint #9: Sound and Light 6B Science Sprint #9: Sound and Light 2B crest solids (because the particles are closest together) Science Sprint #9: Sound and Light 7B Science Sprint #9: Sound and Light 3B
What is the bottom of a wave called? Which travels faster, sound or light? Science Sprint #9: Sound and Light 8A Science Sprint #9: Sound and Light 12A Blowing through a straw will produce a sound. Which straw will make the highest pitch sound? Can sound travel through empty space? Science Sprint #9: Sound and Light 9A Science Sprint #9: Sound and Light 13A What would be useful to locate a sunken ship at the bottom of the ocean? A high frequency/pitch sound can break glass if the glass resonates with the sound. How does this happen? Science Sprint #9: Sound and Light 10A Science Sprint #9: Sound and Light 14A Name some objects that emit light waves. How do musical instruments produce sound? What are the 4 basic classifications of instruments? Science Sprint #9: Sound and Light 11A Science Sprint #9: Sound and Light 15A
through a solid, liquid, or gas because it is transmitted trough light Science Sprint #9: Sound and Light 12B Science Sprint #9: Sound and Light 8B No, sound must travel through a solid, liquid, or gas because it is transmitted through vibrating particles. The shortest straw makes the highest sound Science Sprint #9: Sound and Light 13B Science Sprint #9: Sound and Light 9B the sound vibrates the glass at the same high frequency; when the glass particles vibrate very fast, they break sonar (SOund Navigation And Ranging) Science Sprint #9: Sound and Light 14B Science Sprint #9: Sound and Light 10B They vibrate; percussion, stringed, wind, and electronic fire, sun, light bulb Science Sprint #9: Sound and Light 15B Science Sprint #9: Sound and Light 11B
What is the humanly visible form of electromagnetic radiation? What type of object can some light pass through? Science Sprint #9: Sound and Light 16A Science Sprint #9: Sound and Light 20A How does light travel? What type of object does no light pass through? Science Sprint #9: Sound and Light 17A Science Sprint #9: Sound and Light 21A What does light travel through fastest? If light bounces off an object, it is _____. Science Sprint #9: Sound and Light 18A Science Sprint #9: Sound and Light 22A What type of object can light pass through completely? If light is bent through an object, it is _____. Science Sprint #9: Sound and Light 19A Science Sprint #9: Sound and Light 23A
translucent light opaque in waves and rays (straight lines) reflected Science Sprint #9: Sound and Light 20B Science Sprint #9: Sound and Light 16B opaque in waves and rays (straight lines) Science Sprint #9: Sound and Light 21B Science Sprint #9: Sound and Light 17B reflected vacuum (empty space) Science Sprint #9: Sound and Light 22B Science Sprint #9: Sound and Light 18B refracted transparent Science Sprint #9: Sound and Light 23B Science Sprint #9: Sound and Light 19B
An object’s color is determined by the color of light it _____. What tool can be used to refract white light and split it into its colors? An object’s color is determined by the color of light it _____. Science Sprint #9: Sound and Light 24A Science Sprint #9: Sound and Light 28A What are the six colors of light, starting with the longest wavelength? Name some objects that are translucent. Science Sprint #9: Sound and Light 25A Science Sprint #9: Sound and Light 29A What is amplitude and what is it associated with? Name some objects that are transparent. Science Sprint #9: Sound and Light 26 Science Sprint #9: Sound and Light 30A Why do we have a shadow? Name some objects that are opaque. Science Sprint #9: Sound and Light 27A Science Sprint #9: Sound and Light 31A
red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo violet reflects prism Science Sprint #9: Sound and Light 28B Science Sprint #9: Sound and Light 24B frosted glass, velum, tissue paper red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo violet Science Sprint #9: Sound and Light 2B Science Sprint #9: Sound and Light 25B The amount of energy between the crest and trough; it’s associated with intensity and volume glass, transparency, sheet protector Science Sprint #9: Sound and Light 30B Science Sprint #9: Sound and Light 26B wood, brick, book We are opaque; light cannot pass through us. Science Sprint #9: Sound and Light 31B Science Sprint #9: Sound and Light 27B
Unlike sound, light waves travel in _______. Does light need a medium through which to travel? Science Sprint #9: Sound and Light 32A Science Sprint #9: Sound and Light 36A What happens when white light is shone through a prism? The entire range of electromagnetic radiation (light) is called the: Science Sprint #9: Sound and Light 33A Science Sprint #9: Sound and Light 37A What is frequency? What do we see as visible light? Science Sprint #9: Sound and Light 34A Science Sprint #9: Sound and Light 38A Light travels in straight paths until it hits an object, where: Why are black and white not considered colors on the visible spectrum? Science Sprint #9: Sound and Light 35A Science Sprint #9: Sound and Light 39A
No; that’s why we can see light from the sun Straight paths called rays Science Sprint #9: Sound and Light 38B Science Sprint #9: Sound and Light 32B The prism refracts (bends) the white light separating it into the colors of the visible spectrum. Electromagnetic spectrum Science Sprint #9: Sound and Light 37B Science Sprint #9: Sound and Light 33B The number of waves passing a given point every second; greater the frequency=greater the amount of energy The colors of the rainbow Science Sprint #9: Sound and Light 38B Science Sprint #9: Sound and Light 34B It bounces off (reflected) is bent (refracted) passes through the object (transmitted) Or absorbed as heat Black is a total absence of reflected light and white is a reflection of all visible light together Science Sprint #9: Sound and Light 39B Science Sprint #9: Sound and Light 35B