Student Leadership Council -Secondary October 5, 2017
Intentions Learn about the role of SLC as a powerful voice in School District 43, Coquitlam Contribute to an engaging and impactful environment in which to exchange ideas Collaboratively determine two areas of focus for SLC 2017 – Secondary
What is Student Leadership Council? Learn about the role of SLC as a powerful voice in School District 43, Coquitlam Sara and Kelsey
Getting to know each other Contribute to an engaging and impactful environment in which to exchange ideas Most like me – Think about someone you recognize as a true leader. Move to the image that most closely aligns with a symbolic representation of your idea of great Leadership Move to the image that most closely aligns with the role YOU usually assume when it comes to Leadership opportunities
Getting to know each other Contribute to an engaging and impactful environment in which to exchange ideas All – Some – None Talk within your group about some of the things you have done or traits you possess. Try to find a single leadership-related trait or experience you ALL have Continue your discussion to determine something, leadership-related SOME of you have in common Now describe a leadership- related trait or experience NONE of you have.
Determining Two Areas of Interest SLC as a powerful voice Collaboratively determine two areas of focus With respect to the role of students in our district, what is something about which you want to learn more? In which aspects of SD43 operation do you want to have more say? In which aspects of the operation of SD43 might your input have significant impact?
Sort Cards Each person should independently create a stack of cards including ideas, examples, associations of what you think could be better in SD43 Note that each contribution is on a separate card/ sticky note Example – train of thought More info on new curriculum More experiences related to careers I might like Wellness Nutrition How to be less stressed Better integration of technology More classes outside the school building
Round Robin Sharing Each person briefly shares one idea from their stack at a time, unpacking just enough information to provide clarity of the concept to others Continue round and round the group until all the ideas have been shared Just a few seconds to share each idea – not convincing or debating. Only add/ ask questions to clarify.
Sort and Label Sort the descriptors into categories that make sense to everyone in the group Label the pile with an agreed upon title Bring the title stickies to the large collection area The titles from all smaller groups will be collated according to common themes Exec members and available adults helping to categorize share and unpack the categories that surface.
Determining Priorities for SLC 2017 Carefully consider which heading intrigues you AND seems appropriate for SLC to work on this year Put a yellow stickie on each of your favourite topics Importance of members wanting to learn more about it and feeling like they can have impact; may not be YOUR favourite but tipping point of engagement is necessary
When this idea is successfully implemented… What will we see and hear? See Hear Time permitting; or shift to next meeting: How will we know what success is? What will be different in schools? For individuals or groups of students? What greater value is present?
Next Meeting Dates Nov 23 6:00-8:00pm Winslow 104 Feb 27 1:00-2:30 Winslow Gym/ Fir? April 26 6:00-8:00 Winslow Fir June 5 6:00- 8:00 Winslow Gym / Fir?