Psalm 38:1-8 ( Tune: Father, Here the Prayer We Offer)


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Presentation transcript:

Psalm 38:1-8 ( Tune: Father, Here the Prayer We Offer) Words: The Book of Psalms for Singing, 38B Music: Father Hear the Prayer, St. Sylvester Arrangement: Chris Reeves

1. Lord do not in hot dis-pleas-ure speak in stern re-proof to me; Let thy chast-’ning be in meas-ure and thy stroke from an-ger free.

2. For thy hand most sore-ly press-es; fast thine ar-rows stick with-in Wrath my wear-y flesh dis-tress-es, give my bones no rest for sin.

3. For my man-i-fold trans-gress-ions have gone up a-bove my head; Like a bur-den their op-pres-sions weigh me down with… …con-stant dread.

4. Loath-some are my wounds ne-glect-ed my own folly makes it so; Bowed with pain with grief de-ject-ed, all day long I mourn-ing go.

5. For my loins are filled with bur-ning, all my flesh with sore di-stress; Faint and bruised, I’m ev-er mour-ning in my heart’s dis-quiet-ness.