Chap 8 Arts & Entertainment
A&E section should have a mix of Music Dance Film Theater Visual Art And cover different genres of each category Should have STRONG coverage of campus events
A&E section should have STRONG coverage of Campus events Local bands/artists Major films/artist If relevant to the area Movies about the bay Major artist performances in the local area
Previews Advances of stories on Upcoming performances/exhibits Can be Briefs or longer feature General or focused on aspect of performance Help readers plan what they want to see Should include Dates Contact info Ticket info Location
Reviews Not simply about dumping your opinion Three things needed to be a critic Able to write well Able to report Ability to think
Reviews A critical analysis of a performance Most reviews include five basic elements A catchy opening (That draws readers in) Identifying information (event, artist, location) A concise summary of the content A critical assessment of the work Background & History (other work by artist) Be tactful with student artists Be detailed in your criticism Don’s just say it’s “Weak”, explain why.
First Person Dilemma The best advice is to write what feels natural Some feel the use of “I” is a crutch for a young critic Arrogant, unprofessional, lame Should it be discouraged/banned? Others feel it adds Personality and intimacy The best advice is to write what feels natural
Columns Regular reviews from specific voices Columnist should know topics well Be able to provide background/contex