Television: a curse or a blessing ?
Outline: Definition History of development TV programs Pros and cons of TV
Television: from Ancient Greek (tèle), meaning "far", and Latin visio, meaning "sight") is a telecommunication medium for transmitting and receiving moving images that can be black-and-white or colored, with or without accompanying sound.
Television’s development depended upon previous inventions more than one’s individual contribution. John Loggie Baird (from Scotland) was the first person in the world to demonstrate a working television system, in January 1926. Baird’s system used a mechanical camera consisting of a large spinning disc
Philo Farnsworth successfully demonstrated electronic television in San Francisco, in 1927. Vladimir Zworykin improved television with the invention of a completely electric camera–the Iconoscope, and a receiver–the Kinescope, which both used a cathode ray tube (электронно-лучевая трубка).
Television has a big influence on our life, both positive and negative.
TV has its benefits and drawbacks.
TV is the means to while away time.
Radio and newspapers tells us about different events but TV not only tells but also shows.
TV helps us keep a track of events in all spheres of life all over the world.
It brings the world to our living-room.
It keeps people informed and up-to-date with global and current issues
It provides programs for all interests.
What is broadcasted on TV Television news bulletins (выпуски новостей) Quizes Game shows Stand-up shows Sitcoms Chat shows Films of various genres Soap operas Commercials Variety shows (интеллектуальные игры) sports real life dramas (криминальные новости) a lot of violence misleading and biassed information crime, murder and horror films prevail kids are manipulated by this violence hard to distinguish between fact and fiction
Commercials: help one choose best products present an honest, realistic image of a product talk about the product’s defects put pressure on consumers (customers)
We become more cultured people.
Television keeps kids off the street, entertains them
But on the other hand
It kills the imagination because of the amount of violence on TV.
It damages our health, especially, our eyes
violent programmes make Some violent programmes make people cruel.
There is too much advertisment on TV There is too much advertisment on TV. Some times it can encourage us to buy things we don’t need at all.
Watching TV turns people into vegetables, people are getting addicted to TV.
Some pupils do their homework in front of the TV set. Children oftener prefer watching TV to walking outdoors.
Many children watch television on Sunday afternoon, when outdoors activities would do them so much good.
Some children have made television their main leisure activity and they are not enriching their personalities by developing hobbies and visiting different clubs.
Many children no longer read books.
Children don’t communicate, don’t socialize. People forget the art of conversation. They sit in front of the TV screen instead of visiting their relatives and friends.
Be selective in choosing the programs to watch. Nothing is flawless! Be selective in choosing the programs to watch.
Ask your classmates and make a survey: Task: Ask your classmates and make a survey: How many TV sets do they have at home? How long do they watch TV per day, week, month? What kind of programs do they prefer watching? Why?