Home learning Research tasks – Genre research – Fri 4th Nov Film production research – Weds 8th Nov Present your work using online multimedia tools such as Prezi, Powtoon, Emaze or another presentation software you are familiar with.
Hmwk Due Next Friday 14th Nov: Genre Conventions Research 1. Add tabs to blog: ‘Main task’ ‘Main task research’ ‘Main task planning’ ‘Group meetings’ ‘Evaluation’ 3. Research 3 different film genres: Find out and summarise the following conventional elements – Typical characters – What types of characters do we tend to find in this genre? Typical plot events – What things tend to happen in films in this genre? Typical locations, use of costume, make-up and lighting Soundtrack – How is sound (music) often used in films in this genre? Find two or three films (use film posters or screenshots from film scenes ) for each of these genres and explain how the film reinforces or challenges any of the conventions you researched. Use this website to help you with your research into different films: http://www.theguardian.com/film/list/filmgenres Imdb.com Youtube – for film clips
Foundation Portfolio research task Due Wednesday 8th Nov Film Production Process and Roles Research What does the film production process involve? Research film pre-production/production and post-production – Try and summarise it down to 10 steps/bullet points Research the following production roles and what they involve: Director, Editor, Producer, Camera Operator? Explain what role you would like to take on or have already been assigned. What skills do you already have to fulfil this role? What skills do you need to obtain to fulfil this responsibility? ALSO – You could take a picture of your meeting as evidence and upload this to your blog. Useful websites as a starting point: www.creativeskillset.org.uk http://www.howstuffworks.com/