The Physical and Emotional Effects that Horror Movies have on Humans Allie Reaves Chesapeake Bay Governor’s School Glenns Campus
Something to ponder How does the body react physically and emotionally to fear? What do we enjoy about watching horror movies?
Speculations Human Nature: Physical Reactions: Munera and Venatio Shows in Roman Coliseum Physical Reactions: Laughter (Halloween, Horror Novels, Share Scary Stories) Adrenaline
Speculations Not all enjoy being scared: Triggers Memories Human Instincts Learn about the “enemy”
Project Survey used to see if movie triggered reaction Before, during and after the movie feelings and heart beats per minute Increased heart rate means adrenaline has rushed through the body
Hypotheses and Variables With respect to the mean emotional reactions to the movie: Ho= Scary movies will have no effect on human emotions. Ha= Scary movies will affect human emotions by their reactions toward to the movie. With respect to the mean physical reactions to the movie: Ho= Scary movies will have no physical effect on the human heart rate. Ha= Scary movies will make humans react physically through a changed heat rate. Variables Independent: chosen movies and pause times Dependent: resulting number of heartbeats and feelings
Materials Movies within the acceptable genres Stopwatch Survey and pencil “Before” section “During” section “After” section
Method Before: During: After: Record heartbeat and feeling Fill out “before” section in survey During: Pause movie after 60 minutes Continue movie After: Fill out “after” section in survey “After” section
results Average Heartbeat of ages 0-20: p-value=0.5
Conclusion and other studies The null hypotheses can be rejected. As people watch scary movies, depending on their mood, their heart rate will either increase or decrease. Other studies: Computer Programs Test cases like this one but with 182 people and 40 different horror films Ways to make this project better: Group Session (witness and record) Reduce the amount of questions (some were irrelevant)
Acknowledgements I would like to thank Mrs. Beam, Mr. Freedman, Ms. Luek, and Mrs. Pettyjohn for helping me with my project. I would also like to thank my family and friends as well as the students of CBGS for their help and support of my project.
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