Strategic Elements for 2030 Planning Brian L Smith, Institute for Community Participation, Local Community Services Association
The Change Cycle™ Feelings Fear Satisfaction Anticipation Anxiety Resentment Confidence
The Change Cycle™ Thoughts Cautious Focused Resourceful Confused Sceptical Pragmatic
The Change Cycle™ Behaviour Paralysed Generous Energised Unproductive Resistant Productive
The Change Cycle™ The Change Cycle™ model is a map that depicts our human experience of each stage of change – all changes, big or small.
The Change Cycle™
The 3 A’s of Public Life Authority Authenticity Accountability The Harwood Institute:
Organisational Life Cycle Where is your organisation? Grass Roots – Invention Start-Up – Incubation Adolescent – Growing Mature – Sustainability Stagnation & Renewal Decline & Shut-Down Opportunities, obstacles and challenges are different at different stages.
Building Strong Teams The five dysfunctions of a team:
Building Strong Teams The five dysfunctions of a team: 1. Absence of trust. The fear of being vulnerable with team members prevents the building of trust within the team 2. Fear of conflict. The desire to preserve artificial harmony stifles the occurrence of productive, ideological conflict. 3. Lack of Commitment. The lack of clarity or buy-in prevents team members from making decisions they will stick to.
Building Strong Teams The five dysfunctions of a team: 4. Avoidance of Accountability. The need to prevent interpersonal discomfort prevents team members from holding one another accountable for their behaviours and performance. 5. Inattention to Results. The pursuit of individual goals and personal status erodes the focus on collective success.
Vision, Mission, Values Vision – getting everyone on the same page – the energy source of an organisation Mission (Purpose) – Defining our organisations unique (and limited) contribution toward achieving the vision Values – defined in the relationships we seek with our stakeholders.
Turning Outward “The key to having greater impact in your community and staying true to yourself is to Turn Outward. Turning Outward is about changing our orientation, our posture, the very direction we face, in the work we do. When we Turn Outward we make the choice to face toward the community, to squarely address reality, and to see and hear all people. These are all things missing in our communities today.”
Kumu “A toolset designed to dismantle complexity” “Kumu comes with everything you and your teammates need to tackle complex relationships head on.”
MacMillan Matrix
MacMillan Matrix as decision tree
Strategyzer: Business Model Canvass In our conversations we often use the term "business model" assuming everybody has the same understanding of what it actually is. Surprisingly, the deceptively "obvious" term means different things to different people. As a result our strategic conversations around business models are all over the place and rarely productive.
Strategyzer: Business Model Canvass The Business Model Canvass in two minutes
Strategyzer: Business Model Canvass
Strategic Elements for 2030 Planning You can download this presentation at: