Introducing an Out-of-the-Box Student Data Warehouse that (actually) Works and Establishes a Model for Institutional Analytic Reporting and Data Governance Scott Campbell University Registrar Andrew Hannah Sr. Assoc. University Registrar Monday, July 10, 2017
The evolution of DATA GOVERNANCE at the University of Chicago Agenda The evolution of DATA GOVERNANCE at the University of Chicago The BUSINESS CASE for a new student system, where reporting would be integral, not an afterthought RFP and Discovery -> Oracle Campus Solutions and STUDENT INFORMATION ANALYTICS Roll-out of SIA at University of Chicago, strategy and functions Security Model, categories of user accounts Demo of developed dashboards What’s next, lessons learned, and advice
Data Governance at the University of Chicago Lead Functional Users as designated Stewards of data and systems, including Registrar for student systems. Standing “Data Stewardship Council”, per direction of the Board of Trustees. Oversee user-access and use/distribution of data under their stewardship First points of contact by those senior administrators and officers wanting analysis, or just numbers and lists . . . And, I.T. partners with the Stewards who lead the implementation of new administrative systems.
New Academic Information System and its Reporting Component Legacy student system’s vendor ended support phased out starting 2007 and ended in 2013. Starting in 2008, Registrar, Financial Aid, IT, Bursar, and Deans of Students worked to build a governance structure that would support the RFP, Evaluation, Procurement, Design, and Implementation of a new Academic Information System (AIS). Consultants hired to produce a BUSINESS CASE for such a new system (2012- 13). Key component was to be an integrated module for analytical reporting. REPORTING was to be a critical factor in deciding which system to introduce to the University, not an afterthought. Oracle’s Campus Solutions was selected, with Sierra-Cedar as implementation consultants. Implementation kicked off in 2014.
The Business Case for Analytic Reporting in the new AIS . . . “Legacy Systems lack data for strategic planning, policy-making, resource allocations, and key University decisions: – Inability to track faculty instructional burden – including faculty committees, teaching appointments, research, and dissertation committees. – Inability to determine the relationships between mentoring and student outcomes – including faculty advising and student outcomes. – Inability to track multiple sources of tuition funding, which impedes budget forecasting at the departmental level. – Inability to support non-traditional programs such as emerging academic programs at out-of-state and affiliated foreign entities. – Inability to support registration, online payments, record creation, and fundraising opportunities for noncredit and professional development coursework in Continuing Education and Certificate Programs. – Research and Institutional Analysis desires data and metrics that are not always available or uniform in existing distributed systems. – Incorrect reports are produced due to inaccurate data and non-integrated systems putting the University at risk.
“Strategic Planning” expectations for the new Reporting Module DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY 12 – Collect and analyze data for strategic planning of academic operations and Alumni fundraising. – Enrich and broaden initiatives, outreach, and services to parents through integrated data and improved access. – Develop and model statistical data to compare and compete with peer institutions, e.g. plan and execute data for research and trending analysis. – Develop longitudinal analysis for segments of the University — faculty and other academic appointments, graduate, undergraduate.
Objectives of the new Data Warehouse A central system for official compliance reporting: IPEDS, NSC, HLC, NCAA, State of Illinois Unit-Record System, etc. Track and analyze trends across the “student data lifecycle”, from admissions through graduation. Provide a relatively easy-to-use analytic tool for senior administrators to produce reports based on common, shared, institutional data received from the various “systems-of-record” (NOT shadow systems) IN THEORY The Data Warehouse, rather than replacing the many hundreds of reports—mostly lists—that drive the University’s operational business processes and decision-making, will transform those reports by introducing an analytic component to them.
What we learned during the “Discovery” phase of the project… Via the PeopleSoft HEUG Reporting & BI PAG Community Discussion: “One hot topic on the OBIA front is the newly released Student Information Analytics (SIA) application. This is pre-built ETL, data warehouse, and OBI content specifically geared towards analyzing student data at Higher Education institutions. Several institutions of varying sizes are in the process of implementing SIA, and the PAG group held lively discussions about the implementation process as well as the potential for enhancements . . . “Another key theme … was the concept of pushing embedded analytics within the institution, which is really about ensuring that analytical processes are part of everyday life at both the administrative and academic levels.”
Following up with Oracle . . . “Oracle Student Information Analytics, part of Oracle Business Intelligence Application family, provides academic institutions with best-in-class reporting and analytic capabilities. It enables them to make better decisions, maximize student recruiting efforts, shorten time-to-graduation, improve retention rates, identify successful and unsuccessful courses and programs, and analyze faculty workloads.”
Oracle’s Whitepaper on SIA
Oracle’s Spec Sheet on SIA, with “featured video”
What is SIA . . . According to Oracle SIA, a module within Oracle’s Business Intelligence Applications product: Receives data from Operational database (AIS) Manages metadata in a Data Warehouse model Presents data intuitively to its users via Dashboard reports Specific components of SIA include ... Data Integrator (“ODI” loads and transforms—ETL—data) Data Warehouse Star Schemas Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (OBIEE): Organizes, secures, relates data (RPD) Hosts and presents the Dashboard reports And . . . SIA is bundled with Oracle’s Campus Solutions . . . Pre-configured to receive, integrate, and present dashboards and metrics from CS (PeopleSoft) product tables, e.g. ACAD_PROG, STDNT_CAR_TERM
What SIA looks like
SIA’s “Dashboard” Presentations … Out-of-the-Box SIA (via its OBIEE component) presentation layer: Dashboards (High-Level reporting categories) Dashboard Pages (Sets of like-area reports, one or many) Reports (Individual report elements, chart, graph, table, etc.) Metrics (Selectable Tabulated totals, sub-totals, or data sets, e.g. “total women” Dashboards Dashboard Pages Reports Metrics 4 17 130+ 387 Admissions & Recruiting Admission Application ** Admissions Funnel Application Evaluation Application Status External Academic Summary ** External Test Scores ** Student Recruiting Student Response Transfer Credit Snapshot ** Have corresponding snapshots as well Student Records Academic Class Academic Plan Summary Academic Program Details Class Enrollment Class Instructor Class Meeting Pattern Enrollment Requests Institution Summary Student Degrees Term Enrollments Student Financials Credit History Payment Details Payments and Charges Cross Reference Transaction Details Dashboards Dashboard Pages Reports Metrics 4 17 130+ 387
DELIVERED DASHBOARDS: ADMISSIONS Dashboard Page Report Name Admissions Funnel Admissions Funnel Trends Conversion Ratio Top 10 External Orgs and Recruitment Centers Top 10 Referral Sources and Academic Levels Application Analysis Applicants Diversity Analysis Applicants Diversity Analysis Trends Applicants by Personal Attributes Applicants by Personal Attributes Trends Application Status by Application Method Applications by Recruiter Applications by Top 10 Programs Application by Popular Programs Trends Applications by Top 10 Programs Trends Conversion Ratio Details Evaluation Applications Evaluation Trend Evaluation Status by Academic Career Evaluation Trends by Rating Scheme Evaluations in Progress by Application Center External Test Scores Analysis External Test Scores Trends Responses by Reason and Program Status Prospect Demographics Prospects Details Prospect Analysis Details Recruitment Prospect Analysis Trends Prospect Count by Recruitment Center and Status Prospects by Top 10 Regions and Schools Top 10 Recruiters Recruitment Details
DELIVERED DASHBOARDS: STUDENT RECORDS Dashboard Page Report Name Academic Class Class Capacities and Actuals by Top 10 Academic Careers Enrollment Detail Student Enrollment Totals Class Waiting List Enrollment Units Units Passed Analysis Student to Instructor High Ratio Units Taken Analysis Student to Instructor Low Ratio Units in Progress Analysis Class Capacity vs. Requests Enrollment Capacity vs. Requests Details Faculty History of Instructors by Academic Attributes History of Instructors by Personal Attributes Class Enrollment Details Instructor Workload Instructor Workload Hours Course Count Details Course Counts Compared to last year Instructors by Academic Attributes Degrees Degrees Awarded With Honors Instructors by Personal Attributes Degrees Awarded by Academic Attributes Instructor Details Degrees Awarded by Education Level Student Demographics Detail Degrees Awarded by Personal Attributes Student Nationality Details Student Nationality Trends Top 10 Average GPA by Course Term Enrollment Demographics Student Profile by Academic Attributes Top 10 Current GPA by Term Student Profile by Academic Attributes Trends Top 10 GPA by Degree Student Profile by Personal Attributes Degrees Awarded Totals Student Profile by Personal Attributes Trends Enrollment Enrollment Capacity vs. Requests by Top 10 Classes Student Profile by Top 10 Academic Careers Student Profile by Top 10 Citizenship Statuses Enrollment History for past 5 Years Student Enrollment by Term Student Enrollment by Top 10 Classes Student Enrollment by Top 5 Popular Programs
DELIVERED DASHBOARDS: EXECUTIVE OVERVIEW Dashboard Page Report Name Conversion Ratios Hidden page Conversion Ratio Trends Recruitment Applications by All Programs Trends Financial Aid Aid Amount Trend Applications by Top 10 Programs Trends Aid Amounts by Source,Type,Career Prospect Analysis Trends Aid Distribution by Source Prospects by Referral sources, academic levels and Regions Aid Offered to Disbursed Comparison by Source,Type,Career Prospects by Top 10 Regions and Schools Trends Aid to Students Trend Top 10 Referral Sources and Academic Levels Top 10 Aid Contributors Trend Retention Allowable Exclusions Top 10 Aid Contributors by Aggregate Area Trend Retention of Transfers Top 5 Aid Item Type Disbursements compared to previous year Student Retention by Academic Org and Program Top Federal Aid Contributors Performance Trend Student Retention by Ethnic Group and Gender Overview Admissions Funnel Trends Retention Details Hidden Page Conversion Ratio 4 Year Graduation Rate Student Financials Due Amounts by Account Type 4 Year Retention Rate Outstanding Balance by Aging Category 6 Year Graduation Rate Receivables by Business Unit Trending 6 Year Retention Rate Year to Date Balances Trends All Academic Programs Student Records Degrees Awarded Trends Class Enrollment Vs Capacity by All Careers Degrees Awarded by Education Level Trends Class Enrollment Vs Capacity by Top 5 Careers Enrollment History for past 5 Years Degrees Awarded Tile Instructors by Academic Attributes Graduation Trends by Academic Group Student Profile by Personal Attributes Trends Student to Instructor Ratio Tile Student headcount Hidden Page Student Profile by Academic Attributes Details Top 10 Academic Programs Student Profile by Academic Attributes Trends Total University Headcount Tile Student to Instructor Ratio Hidden Student to Instructor High Ratio Student to Instructor Low Ratio
SAMPLE DELIVERED DASHBOARD Note, each “pull-down” allows viewer to select alternate values, forcing refresh of the display
SIA PREP at University of Chicago Per Oracle’s and our consultant’s recommendations . . . First, the Director of Business Intelligence (IT unit) defined and filled the positions of the SIA tech team. University IT Infrastructure and new SIA team obtained and configured servers, received and loaded Oracle software. Configured the “out-of-the-box” SIA components (ODI, Star Schema, OBIEE) Built the linkages to Campus Solutions data tables, configured security, admin roles, constructed DEV, TST, QA, etc. instances.
Rolling out SIA to the University Community, the Strategy As SIA reports would be the most visible benefit of the new AIS project to the senior University administration, we wanted an impressive roll-out . . . Inventoried all current (legacy and shadow-systems) University reports Compared them to the “out-of-the-box” SIA reports Financial Aid reports were “ready for primetime”, but Student Records reports were not in synch with University’s student-services needs. Consensus: To meet the broadest range of reporting needs upon go- live, SIA-team developed from scratch six “all-purpose” student-data focused dashboards. Since then we have rolled out additional and enhanced dashboards And we are now rolling out ad hoc reporting access to select users at an “institutional” level.
Security Model Highest level functional user: Representatives of President/Provost, VP’s, and central service offices. ALL STUDENTS, ALL REPORTs Senior Divisional user: ALL STUDENTS IN CAREER, ALL REPORTS Departmental user: ALL STUDENTS IN CAREER, LIMITED REPORTS AD HOC ACCESS, TBD … Must have expertise, training, institutional involvement.
Dashboard Demonstration … Course Enrollment Analysis
Dashboard Demonstration … Students in Plans (Majors)
FINAL SLIDE In the last (first) year of SIA at University of Chicago @300 users, with two new users added every day. University’s official census reports prepared via SIA Reports scheduled for auto-run and auto-delivery State of Illinois Unit Record System reports What’s next: Budget modeling Analysis for Deans of Faculty teaching Grant Request, 25 years of TITLE VI data Lessons learned: PSQueries and SIA analytics each do specific things very well. Never underestimate the desire of Senior Administrators for reports. If Time Allows: Review the Business Case (slide 5) and how well SIA has helped.
Scott Campbell University Registrar 773-702-7891 Andrew Hannah Sr. Assoc. University Registrar 773-702-7876