Coastlands Hotel – Durban, South Africa 22-24 November 2016 CSTL Sharing Meeting 2016 Psychosocial Support and Social Welfare Sarah Mlaki Tanzania Coastlands Hotel – Durban, South Africa 22-24 November 2016
Presentation Outline A description of the programme or policy Achievements Challenges Opportunities/Emerging Issues Key lessons learnt
A description of the programme or policy In Tanzania, Care and Support programs has been established in order to address basic educational requirements for all learners in Tanzania, including the Orphans and other Vulnerable Children (orphans, disabled, disadvantaged children like girls, and those in most vulnerable conditions such as poverty)
A description of the programme or policy Tanzania Education and Training Policy 2014, stipulates that Psychosocial support is vital in order to help children meet their basic requirements to enable them grow and develop into responsible and confident persons Factors that negatively impact on children, and are common in most Tanzanian schools, include: large class size, lack of basic learning materials, an absence of water and food, inadequate physical structures, high pupil teacher ratios, teacher absenteeism, didactic teaching, and institutionalized violence where children are punished for minor infringements or are sexually abused.
A description of the programme or policy In order to promote Psychosocial support, the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology in collaboration with other education stakeholders developed Care and Support National Strategy which has six areas of focus as follows: Education Food and Nutrition Health services Water and Sanitation Safety and Security Psychosocial Support
Achievements Many achievements have been realised following the implementation of Education and Training Policy of 2014 in line with care and support strategy and psychosocial support: Increase of enrolment in Pre and primary education following the introduction of free basic education to all eligible children from all groups including disadvantaged. For example in 2014 pre primary pupils were 1,046,369 and 1,562,770(2016) while the enrolment in primary schools was 8,222,667 (2014) and 8,639202 (2016) ??
Achievements Through Literacy and Numeracy Education Support Programme(LANES) monitoring and evaluation has been strengthened by providing vehicles to Council Quality assurance Offices and provision of Motor Cycles for follow up of academic progress and performances to all school children Establishment of Need Assessment Mechanism to determine learning difficulties that hinder children to acquire basic knowledge including 3Rs.Through this the
Achievements Guideline has been prepared for establishment of Education Support Resources and Assessment Centers-ESRAC which are used as referral centers for children found with medium case of disabilities Establishment of 500 satellite schools and centres to all hard to reach areas to capture all school age children who can not walk long distances to and from formal schools Due to the implementation of provision of free basic education, the government in collaboration with other education stakeholders increased number of primary schools from 16,493(2014) to 17,174(2016) to cater for the children from all groups including the disadvantaged.
Achievements SWASH guideline has been developed so as to enable implementers of National Sanitation Campaign and SWASH Programme to adhere to the standard in School latrine construction to cater for all children including with special needs including those with disabilities and girls Development and dissemination of life skills guide for pre primary to STD VII learners so as to help teachers to teach learners on how to protect themselves from Sexually Transmitted and Infectious diseases including HIV/AIDS Reviewed Education Act of 1978 to incorporate issues of VAC
Achievements Child protection guideline for schools has been prepared so as to reduce violence done at schools. The survey done in 2011 shows that 67% of child abuse is done by the teachers Re-entry guideline has been developed so as to enable pregnant school girls to go back to school after delivery Implementation of COBET under the support of LANES Programme
Challenges Some of the parents and guardians do not want to enrol their children with disabilities. More over they also do not consider education as a priority Misinterpretation of free basic education that everything will be done by the government and some parents fail to support their children with basic needs Insufficient school infrastructure as a result of implementation of free basic education Insufficient number of school councilors for provision of guidance and counselling
Opportunities/Emerging Issues Availability of ESDP which guide implementation of different education programmes in the education sector Availability of the Education and training Policy which direct the provision of education at all levels Availability of supporters eg GPE which provided grant of 300 Bilion Tsh for education programme in primary and out of school children Availability of resources including human, land, and other valuable resources Availability of EMIS which is vital for ensuring collection of reliable data
Key Lessons Learnt Awareness creation and involvement of all eligible stakeholders is important for smooth implementation of the programme Multsectoral approach in care and support prgrammes need to be well coordinated Need to Setting proper means of monitoring and evaluation of care and support activities in education institutions
Thank you for your attention ASANTE SANA