Developing your skills “Growing your potential…”
What’s it all about? Developing your skills set over 12 months Creating a skill set relevant to the sector and beyond Producing a ‘file of evidence’ to validate your skills and experience. Vital employability skills
Developing your skill set Government, and previous governments, have stressed the importance of work based learning “For the first time, a new generation of young people are seeing apprenticeships as the route to a brighter future. Now is the time to reform the apprenticeship system in order to put it at the forefront of economic growth for years to come. Alongside universities, apprenticeships are the new norm for young people leaving school”. (Mathew Hancock MP)
Portfolio: Development Areas Your job role Identifying one or two ‘role related’ skills. Accounting skills Focused around ‘Core’ Accounting skills Organisational Awareness Generic skills and IT and software
Instruction and documents Function Stage Apprentice Portfolio review Introduces the overall structure of the portfolio and initiates you to complete an action plan. Start of the apprenticeship EPO Role record To record role, tenure within the role and mentor details. The Apprentice Role To define skills, based around your work role and in conjunction with your employer, that will be evidenced and developed over a defined period. Start of the apprenticeship. Key Accounting Skills On-going Organisational Awareness On going ICT and Generic Skills
Type of evidence ‘Simple evidence collection’ mentor sign off, blogs, ‘print offs’, testimonies Competency You can… You are able to…. Competency level Demonstrates Knowledge Applying knowledge Analyse Type of evidence The competency level is an indication of your level of exposure and standing with a particular task or duty. Competency levels will depend on exposure to certain tasks, job roles and organisational need Demonstrating knowledge and awareness Application- Produce evidence where you have been actively involved or performed the task in question Analysis- how it impacts on other areas/factors and multiple contexts For example, attendance of a meeting/research (reading articles/reports For example, Screen shot/print off/emails For example, statement/mentor sign off/contribution to reports/emails/blog entry with mentor sign off.
EPO Role Support the process Initial definition of your role and where you will be based Defining evidence re: the specialist role
Collecting evidence and Competency levels Based on Blooms taxonomy Evidence can be: Email print off Project work Blog (See blog) Employer agreed evidence ‘Simple mentor sign off’
Summary Integral part of your apprenticeship Validation of your experience Collection of ‘real’ evidence Portable Reviewed at periodic points of the year Signed off by your Mentor and CIPFA at the end of the apprenticeship. YOUR RESPONSIBILITY