Ladies 36 hole scratch competition. Holder - Miss Gemma Clews DELAMERE FOREST GOLF CLUB Station Rd, Delamere, Northwich, CW8 2JE Tel: 01606 883800 Golf Club Secretary: Mr Mike Towers Website: DELAMERE COMBOY SCRATCH TROPHY Sunday 1st April 2018 Conditions and Regulations 1. Entries limited to 54 ladies who hold an active CONGU handicap or Overseas Certified Handicap. Maximum handicap will be 8.4 (on entry). In the event of more than 54 entries being received the Competition Committee will decide the acceptance basis with a ballot for places. 2. Entries must reach the Competition Secretary before the closing date of Monday 19th March 2018. An email address together with a fee of £30 must accompany the entry form otherwise the entry will not be considered. 3. Copies of starting times will be emailed to all competitors after the closing date. Unsuccessful entrants will be advised after the closing date and a waiting list will operate. In the event of a competitor having to scratch after the closing date, no entry fee will be refunded unless their place can be filled from the waiting list. 4. The Competition Committee reserves the right to refuse any entry without assigning a reason and to make alterations to the Conditions and Regulations without prior notification. The decisions of the Competition Committee on all points shall be final. 5. The Delamere Comboy Scratch Trophy & The Mary Hamer Salver (2nd prize) shall remain in the clubhouse at Delamere Forest Golf Club. No competitor may be awarded more than one prize. In the event of a tie or ties the result shall be decided in accordance with CONGU competition rules. 6. Late arrival on the 1st tee may incur disqualification. 7. Competitors must use only clubs and golf balls appearing on the current R & A list of conforming clubs and golf balls. DMD’s measuring distance only may be used. 8. Competitors must comply with the dress code as displayed on Delamere Forest gc website. 9. The England Golf anti-Doping Rules apply to all competitors in this Championship. Compliance is the responsibility of the competitor. The full list of prohibited drugs is available from UK Sport - 10. Caddies – As per England Golf Conditions of competitions. Practice rounds—Must be arranged through the Professional Shop 01606 883800, (at members guest rate). Entries to: Competition Organiser: Mrs Jackie Hesketh, Closing Date for entries: MONDAY 19th MARCH 2018 DELAMERE COMBOY SCRATCH TROPHY Ladies 36 hole scratch competition. Holder - Miss Gemma Clews 1st prize—£350, 2nd prize—£150, 3rd prize—£50 Handicap prize—£50 (Vouchers) SUNDAY 1st April 2018 ENTRY FORM Title & surname ______________________________________________________ First name _________________________d.o.b.(under 16 only) ________________ Email:- (please write clearly) ___________________________________________ Postal address ________________________________________________________ _____________________________________ Post code ______________________ Tel: ___________________________ Mobile ______________________________ Golf club _______________________________ Exact H/cap (Max. 8.4)_________ Preferred start time (please circle) ........08.00 to 09.30 or 09..30 to 10.45 Competitors signature/ (parents if under 16) ________________________________ CDH no. _____________________ Are you entering the Formby Leveret- YES/NO Please detach this entry form and post it, with your cheque and email address for the draw sheet to be sent to you to:- Mrs Jackie Hesketh, Delamere Comboy Scratch Trophy Organiser Delamere Forest Golf Club, Station rd, Delamere, Northwich, CW8 2JE Entry fee: £30 Please make cheques payable to Delamere Forest Golf Club Closing date for entries: Monday 19th March 2018