Athens vs. Sparta Aim: What are the similarities and differences between ancient Sparta and Athens? Do Now: What is a rivalry? What causes a rivalry? Take out Greek Gods Essay.
Why do these teams and groups of fans dislike each other?
Reasons Appearance Recent dominance Stadiums Location Fan base Proximity League Jealousy History Championships
Athens Glorification of the individual Emphasis on learning Trade with other city-states
Sparta Military state Conquers areas and takes slaves No trade Isolated
Athens – government Council of 500 was made up of citizens over 30 Laws proposed by the assembly Democracy – government in which the people (citizens) make the laws
Sparta – government Free males make up the council of elders 5 administrators carry out laws Oligarchy – government ruled by the few elite
Athens – social Wealth and power held by aristocracy Aristocracy – the highest class in a society Based on wealth Slaves had no political rights and freedom Women did not have same rights as men
Sparta – social Wealth was not the most important thing Honor and respect Skills in battle
Athens – education Physical as well as mental skills (school at 7 yrs old) Women held no rights in society
Sparta – education At age of 7 boys were sent away from homes to train for military Girls – athletic – women manage estates and owned property
Similarities Slaves City-states (polis) Legal systems Citizenship Governments Citizenship Religious – polytheistic
Differences Education Roles of women Government Democracy Oligarchy (rule by the few)
Athenians – people of Athens Spartans – people of Sparta