What would you like to see on Priors Park? ___________________ Heart of Priors Park would like your ideas or suggestion, on what you would like to see, happening on your estate. We are currently fundraising to rebuild the park in Queens Road and plan to look at spaces for teenagers as our next step. Do you use the park in Queens Road? How often? Once a week or more Less than once a week but more than once a month Less than once a month Never Do you use any of these spaces? Tick all that apply. Skate Park (opposite hospital) Youth club and / or games court Outdoor gym (Vineyards) Other (please tell us) _______________________ Which do you use most often? ___________________ Are there any current areas of Priors Park that you would like to see improved? _______________________ Is there anything new you would like to see in Priors Park?
We are currently arranging day trips for the summer holidays and going forward would like to run other activities. Would you be interested in the following? Trip to Weston Trip to Alton Towers or Drayton Manor Priors Park Olympics Wacky Sports Day Any other ideas: _________________________________ Thank you! Please return this questionnaire to your Youth Worker. If you would like to contact HOPP directly: Find us on Facebook: @heartofpriorspark Email: friendsofpriorspark@aol.co.uk.