2017 Innovation Grants
Innovation Grants: What are they? Schools have the opportunity to apply for Innovation Grants funded by Chevron Appalachia and the Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation, the grants are open to public schools located in the IU1, RESA 6, and RESA 7 service regions. Innovation is the driving force behind STEM or STEAM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) and encourages a commitment to creativity, contextual thinking, and other aptitudes deemed critical to college and career readiness. To be considered for a Innovation Grant, please complete the online application (https://goo.gl/forms/wBGlEpDy777dazeV2) by April 28, 2017. Grants will be awarded of up to $5,000. Considered grant proposals should include an trans-disciplinary approach that embodies multiple disciplines in a meaningful manner. Districts/schools may submit more than one proposal. Grants will be scored blind by at least two reviewers and awarded to the 40 schools that receive the highest score on the Innovation Grant Rubric. If you have not received the online application link please just contact (INSERT CONTACT INFO) and we will make sure to get it to you.
What the reviewers look for… Keep in mind the following when preparing the proposal: Project inspiration, relevance, and research Trans-disciplinary approach to STEM/STEAM Professional Development Implementation, clear timeline of activities Sustainability of your initiative Allocation of Resources Dissemination of Project Results How relevant is the project focus in meeting innovative concepts as they relate to student learning? Does the project have a trans-disciplinary approach? STEM?STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math) How well does the projects proposed structure position it for success? Is it feasible with the mentioned objectives? How has the district demonstrated capacity for grant implementation in the past? Is the projects capacity to endure beyond the initial funding year addressed? Is the funding requested appropriate to the scope of the project? Is a budget included that clearly outlines the estimated costs? Does the proposal show a willingness to share the projects goals, results, etc.? Are the intended outlets for the projects outcomes clearly identified? Does the proposal address specific means of documenting and promoting innovative learning locally, regionally, and nationally.
Key Points in a Innovation Grant To write a successful Innovation Grant it must be more than just technology Connection – how will you communicate/share your work with others including your educational service agency. Must demonstrate a trans-disciplinary approach that embodies STEM/STEAM learning. Consider partnerships, although not required, they could be highly impactful for your project. Innovation Grants must show how this will benefit your school, how is it connected to your students, and how will it move your school forward. If you want equipment, software, and materials, great! But why? A proposal needs to include professional development and curriculum development. Examples of partnerships – local organizations,
Innovation Grant Proposal: Not Recommend Go to example.
Innovation Grant Proposal: Strongly Recommended Go to example.
Share your grant experience… For those of you who have successfully written a grant in the past please take a moment to share with the others what you feel made your grant stand out.
Questions? For more information on the Innovation Grants, please do not hesitate to contact us: IU1: Sarah D’Urzo, sarah.durzo@iu1.org RESA 6: Marian Kajfez, mkajfez@k12.wv.us RESA 7: Mary Lewis, mlshull@k12.wv.us