Fitness check of the Nature Directives: state of play ECR Rural Economy Policy Group 6 December 2016 Mark DEMESMAEKER
Introduction My wishlist for “Sinterklaas”: save the Nature Directives
Why does biodiversity matter? Biodiversity loss = loss for nature, people and the economy Key global challenge, connected to climate change and resource scarcity Not on track for 2020 targets! Socio-economic importance: not meeting 2020 targets costs 50 billion euro a year 1 in 6 jobs depends on nature benefits Natura 2000 outweigh costs
Importance of Nature Directives Smart regulation “avant la lettre” Basis of the largest network of protected areas in the world: the Natura 2000 network Full potential far from being achieved Best practices demonstrate the effectiveness and relevance of the Nature Directives, when implemented correctly.
Nature Directives under threat? 2014: President Juncker to Com Vella: evaluation – assess the potential for merging the BHD into a more modern piece of legislation. Fitness check ongoing for more than 2 years Due to delay, Nature Conference of Dutch Presidency in June 2016 canceled Uncertainty, political turmoil Vice-President Timmermans committed to publish the results of the Fitness Check in autumn Orientation debate tomorrow in the College!
Fit for purpose! EP – strategic initiative report adopted on 2/2/2016 Opposes any revision of the Nature Directives Key problem is not the legislation itself but rather its implementation. Opening the nature directives would jeopardise achieving the biodiversity strategy altogether create a long period of legal uncertainty and could potentially weaken the legislation ENVI Council 16/12/2015 – strong conclusions in favour of better implemenation 500,000 citizens participate in Nature Alert Campaing Eurobarometer 1/7/2016: 67% want the EU to be more active in protecting the environment Evaluation study concludes: fit for purpose!
Focus on better implementation To revise or not to revise? Focus on better implementation is the answer!