Welcome to our Annual Conference Introduction Chris Garcia LEP Chief Executive Steve Hindley LEP Chairman #hotswlepconference
The Productivity Challenge Chris Garcia
The Heart of the South West
Mission Repositioning the Heart of the South West’s profile and reputation, nationally and globally. Connecting people, places, businesses and ideas to transform our economy, securing investment in infrastructure and skills to create more jobs and enable rewarding careers
The UK’s economic growth is from more people in employment
The HotSW Productivity Challenge LEP’s employment rate for year to March 2016 is highest in current data series – close to full employment 32nd out of 39 LEPs for GVA per hour worked 38th out of 39 LEPs for GVA per job filled
HotSW GVA per full time employee
HotSW % growth in GVA per FTE
Responding to the challenge
How the LEP focuses on these drivers of Productivity Investment in physical capital Skills Innovation & enterprise Place People Business “Floating all the boats”
Our Golden Opportunities
What’s next - ‘Productivity Plan’ Single Productivity Plan HotSW investment pot People: who are healthy and with skills they need access higher value jobs and grow their careers with Heart of the South West businesses Business: that are more profitable with a GVA uplift of £4 billion Place: A long term plan for sustainable growth supported by modern infrastructure