We know that there is more to do There are 750,000 vacancies, one quarter skill-shortage related… … youth unemployment 3x higher than total unemployment ONS June 2016
“High quality careers advice and support must be for everyone.” Robert Halfon
We also know what works Encounters with employers, with workplaces, with further and higher education Information about local jobs, how the curriculum connects to work A plan tailored to an individual’s needs and supported by guidance - Sir John Holman “…young adults surveyed who recalled greater levels of contact with employers whilst at school were significantly less likely to be NEET and earned, on average, 18% more than peers who recalled no such activities.” Latest research finds 86% reduction in change of being a NEET following 4 or more encounters
But it’s not consistently implemented 66% businesses believe work experience is critical for recruitment yet only 38% offer work experience in England Only in 40% of schools do young people have one encounter each year
Our diagnostic: market lacks structure Inconsistent coverage Schools not helped to distinguish between offers Schools and employers have different language and timetables
Our role – become the ‘connector’ of careers creating a clear market structure
1. The Enterprise Adviser Network Creating a networked school and exposure to the world of work for all More is more Younger is better Increase employer and workplace encounters for young people. Ensure careers education begins at year 7. Follow the impact Make it last Look to the evidence of ‘what works’ to guide strategic careers planning in schools and colleges. Proudly embed an ethos that celebrates careers and enterprise opportunities and places them at the heart of the school and its curriculum.
1,600 schools and colleges signed up Built nationwide network of coordination 1,600 schools and colleges signed up More than 1,400 business volunteers 52% CEO, Director or Chair level 95 Coordinators 3x more employer engagement plans
79 supported, verified providers 2. Scaled what works 79 supported, verified providers 75% of funding in Cold Spots 250,000 young people to benefit from first fund 25,000 to benefit from mentoring
3. Focused our efforts on need & impact Careers & Enterprise ‘Cold Spots’ “What works” research ADD – MAKE IT LOOK SAME
4. Funnelled cash into the system External cash match of £10m: Investment Fund: cash match of 100% for first Careers & Enterprise Fund Enterprise Adviser Network: cash match of 100% to fund the Enterprise Coordinators from the Local Enterprise Partnerships Using our structured, evidence based approach to support external investment
5. Built cross-cutting partnerships 1. Ambassador Group 2. Head Teacher Group 3. Employer Group 4. Strategic Partners £10m Description Level 2
Opportunity Areas – going deep with core offer Our guarantee Our approach All schools and colleges to have access to an Enterprise Adviser All young people to have access to at least 4 inspiring and meaningful encounters with the world of work 1-2 additional Enterprise Coordinators for Opportunity Areas 4 ‘cornerstone’ employers in each Opportunity Area, developed in partnership with the LEP, CBI, FSB and Chambers £1million fund to fund 4 encounters for all young people 12 Opportunity Areas: Blackpool, Bradford, Derby, Doncaster, Fenland & East Cambridgeshire, Hastings, Ipswich, Norwich, Oldham, Scarborough, Stoke on Trent and West Somerset
Priorities for 2017 Continue to build the core infrastructure focusing on quality and impact: 1.1 Strengthen the Enterprise Adviser network 1.2 Launch further funds, focused on leveraging external resource Deepen our technology programme to underpin our work Launch the “Passport” to make extra-curricular achievements a core part of recruitment Build capacity in schools and colleges including ‘Careers Leaders’ or ‘Air traffic controllers’ Spread the word to ensure we can truly ‘join the dots’
www.careersandenterprise.co.uk @CareerEnt Our ask of employers Help all young people access 4 or more encounters with the world of work 1 2 As an Enterprise Adviser – helping schools and college leaders build careers and employer engagement strategy Working with young people directly and creating encounters – either through your own programme or one of our funded beneficiaries www.careersandenterprise.co.uk @CareerEnt