The importance of Origin as quality indicator for Sparkling Wine Bettina KÖNIG, Christian PFEIFFER & Marcus WIESCHHOFF The importance of Origin as quality indicator for Sparkling Wine
Three tier quality system for Sekt Source: Three-tier Quality Pyramid, © AWMB origin as most important quality indicator Sekt g.U. from Austria – protected designation of origin, certified quality 2015 will go down in the Sekt history as a milestone for the Austrian Sekt sector. Under the leadership of the Austrian Sekt Committee, founded just in 2013, and with the energetic participation of the Sekt producers, the structure of a three-tier quality pyramid for Austrian Sekt has been established. The top category in the pyramid is on a par with the highest standards maintained by the world's leading sparkling wines - such as Champagne or Franciacorta – and in certain aspects, even surpasses them. This proposal was agreed upon by the National Committee, and submitted to the Agricultural Minister, who gives it force of law by means of decree in 2016. In principle, the regulation applies that “Austrian Sekt with Protected Designation of Origin” (“Österreichischer Sekt mit geschützter Ursprungsbezeichnung”) may be offered on the market exclusively in connexion with the supplemental terms “Klassik“, “Reserve“ or “Grosse Reserve” (Grande Reserve), under the appurtenant conditions laid down by decree. In this, the product designation will be composed from the category designation (“Qualitätsschaumwein” or “Sekt”), the name of the protected designation of origin (federal state and – where applicable – municipality or district thereof) and the term “Protected Designation of Origin” (“geschützte Ursprungsbezeichnung”). The term “Hauersekt” (tirage, disgorgement and expedition performed by the grape grower) may additionally be used.
Quality cues of sparkling wine a consumer‘s view Quality Indicators Origin Country of Origin Producer Designation of Origin Region Vineyard Designation Grape Variety Method of Production Vintage Production Marketing Sensory Cues … according to Charters & Pettigrew (2007) & Martinez-Carrasco Martinez et al. (2006)
Methodology Online questionnaire Methods: 400 participants No experts Confirmatory Factor analysis Tests Place of Purchase Willingness to pay Types of Sparkling Wine Frequency of Consumption Places of purchase: retail stores, on premise sales, dedicated wine shops, restaurants
Findings Sensory Cues 5.2 Marketing 4.5 Production 3.9 Origin 3.9 low importance high Production 3.9 Origin 3.9
Findings -> origin more important in wine shops*** and cellar-door sales** than in retail stores low importance high
Findings -> The more willingness to pay, the more important is origin*** low importance high
Findings -> Origin more important for Champagne consumers** low importance high
Sensory cues rank highest TASTE Findings Sensory cues rank highest TASTE origin less important than sensory cues*** Origin: more important in wine shops*** and cellar-door sales** than in retail stores The more willingness to pay, the more important is origin*** more important for Champagne consumers** ** p<0,05 *** p<0,01
into a distinguished flavour sensation Conclusio “Translate” origin into a distinguished flavour sensation