This is the title page.
What is ClassScape®? An online classroom-based assessment system which: Helps teachers to achieve and maintain curriculum/instructional alignment Assists teachers with identification of individual and class strengths and weaknesses Provides administrators with grade level/subject reports 3-8 Math, Reading, 5 and 8 Science, Biology, Chemistry, US History, C&E, Algebra 1 and 2, Geometry, Extend 2
Why use ClassScape®? ClassScape is focused on the needs of North Carolina schools: Our test items are based on the NC SCOS with an EOG question format We use a rigorous item development process We offer Pre-made and Custom Assessments in 23 subjects/grades We offer Constructed Response Items with a built-in scoring tool for teachers. 3-8 Math, Reading, 5 and 8 Science, Biology, Chemistry, US History, C&E, Algebra 1 and 2, Geometry, Extend 2 Requirement from District to be used by all classroom teachers
ClassScape – teacher benefits Are you teaching the NCSCoS? Use as an assessment for reteaching Aligns with the NCSCoS On-line 21st Century Technology that provides immediate feedback to teachers Teachers can prepare at home Students can take assessments from home
ClassScape – teacher benefits Assessments for individual students available on ONE report Separate benchmark assessment program purchased for District’s use No limit on number of classes or number of students in each class Students highlighted in yellow identify students listed in multiple classes.
ClassScape what to keep in mind Students cannot take an assessment more than once Students cannot take an assessment on Sunday Assessments with 8 – 10 questions should take 12 – 15 minutes to complete Computer Skills assessment cannot be customized, prepackaged only Two types of Assessments: Pre-packaged assessments – 40% Lower order thinking question 60% High Order thinking questions Customized assessments – 25% easy 50% medium 25% hard
Tools for Teachers Reports Basic Report by Class Pre-Packaged Assessments - Two Objective Quizzes per Objective (10 items) 40% Lower order thinking question 60% High Order thinking questions Custom Assessments Teacher Customized Assessments (8-50 items) Can assess across multiple objectives and goals within a subject and grade Can share with other teachers in the same school, subject and grade 25% easy 50% medium 25% hard Reports Basic Report by Class Student Assessment Report Class Performance Report Student Performance Report Pre/Post Assessment Report Common Assessment Report
Sample Math Item
Sample Reading Item
Item Preview
Basic Report
Student Assessment Report
Class Performance Report
Student Performance Report
Pre- / Post- Assessment Report
Common Assessment Report
User Login Report
Total Assessments Starts and Completions Report
Class Performance Report
Class Progress Report
Pre- / Post- Assessment Report
Common Assessment Report
ClassScape® Assessments Recommended for: Identification of individual and class strengths and weaknesses Maintenance of curriculum/instructional alignment Guidance for teachers in instructional decisions Monitoring of student progress Not recommended for: Printing of items/paper-pencil testing District-wide high-stakes summative testing Prediction of future student performance on EOG/EOC assessments Assignment of consequences based on student or teacher performance i.e. evaluations, promotion/retention At-home student assessing
Minimum Technical Requirements Windows 98 or Mac OSX or better 1.0 GHz processor or better 256MB RAM Internet with 56 kps bandwidth or better per seat Up-to-date browser (tested w/ IE and Firefox) Javascript/cookies/site-specific popups enabled Monitor resolution of 800 600 or higher Proxy/firewalls must allow ClassScape server traffic Technical requirements are subject to change upon further evaluation.
ClassScape USE FIREFOX!! Assessments are saved to NC State server If images/graphics distorted – refresh screen (F5 key) 56,000 items in Assessment Bank USE FIREFOX!!