Algebra 1 Mr. Hochberg Day 5
Review (Do Now) 10 minutes Choose any 3 problems, raise your hand, repeat. 1) Graph the point (5,3) 2) You see this expression: 10N What operation is happening to the 10 and N? 3) A man makes $200 a day and gets a 20% raise. How much money does he make now? 4) - Draw a number line from -5 to 5 - Mark -2 and -4 on it. Which number is larger? 5) Graph the point (-2, 6) 6) What is 1 3 2 ? 7) A woman makes $25 an hour and gets a 10% raise. How much money does she make now? 8) What is 2 5 2 ? 9) Graph the point (-4, 5)
Create Automaticity Page 2 minutes
Automaticity (Fluency) 5 minutes Pick one column. Do as many problems as you can in 1 minute. Multiplication Facts Fractions to Decimals Fractions to Percents 4 x 3 12 1/2 0.5 50% 8 x 6 48 1/3 0.33 33% 9 x 4 36 2/3 0.66 66% 4 x 7 28 1/4 0.25 25% 1 x 11 11 2/4 10 x 2 20 3/4 0.75 75% 5 x 7 35 1/5 0.2 20% 9 x 9 81 2/5 0.4 40% 12 x 0 3/5 0.6 60% 6 x 4 24 4/5 0.8 80% Multiplication Facts Fractions to Decimals Fractions to Percents 4 x 3 1/2 8 x 6 1/3 9 x 4 2/3 4 x 7 1/4 1 x 11 2/4 10 x 2 3/4 5 x 7 1/5 9 x 9 2/5 12 x 0 3/5 6 x 4 4/5
Record Automaticity Results 1 minute
Agenda 10 seconds 25 minutes Opening Routine (Review, Automaticity, Good Things, Survey Says…, Objective) Person in Elevator, Person Walking Down the Stairs 5 minutes Brain Break 15 minutes Make a Story 10 minutes Vocabulary Closure (Objective Check, Shout Outs, Exit Ticket, Quote of the Day)
Good Things 2 minutes
Objective 1 minutes TURN AND TALK OBJECTIVE: SWBAT describe and create piece-wise function graphs by making a story from motion graphs TURN AND TALK What is today’s objective in your own words? How does it relate to what we have been doing? Is there any new vocabulary?
Agenda 10 seconds 25 minutes Opening Routine (Review, Automaticity, Good Things, Survey Says…, Objective) Person in Elevator, Person Walking Down the Stairs 5 minutes Brain Break 15 minutes Make a Story 10 minutes Vocabulary Closure (Objective Check, Shout Outs, Exit Ticket, Quote of the Day)
Person in an Elevator 5 minutes Grab your whiteboard. Create your axis Elevation on the y axis Time on the x axis TASK: Draw the graph of a woman going down an elevator for 10 seconds.
Person Walking Down the stairs 20 minutes Create a graph Y axis: Elevation X axis: Time Watch the video Try and create a graph to describe the motion of the man.
Agenda 10 seconds 25 minutes Opening Routine (Review, Automaticity, Good Things, Survey Says…, Objective) Person in Elevator, Person Walking Down the Stairs 5 minutes Brain Break 15 minutes Make a Story 10 minutes Vocabulary Closure (Objective Check, Shout Outs, Exit Ticket, Quote of the Day)
Brain Break 4 minutes For Instance
Brain Break 4 minutes Too funny for words
Agenda 10 seconds 25 minutes Opening Routine (Review, Automaticity, Good Things, Survey Says…, Objective) Person in Elevator, Person Walking Down the Stairs 5 minutes Brain Break 15 minutes Make a Story 10 minutes Vocabulary Closure (Objective Check, Shout Outs, Exit Ticket, Quote of the Day)
Make a Story 10 minutes
Agenda 10 seconds 25 minutes Opening Routine (Review, Automaticity, Good Things, Survey Says…, Objective) Person in Elevator, Person Walking Down the Stairs 5 minutes Brain Break 15 minutes Make a Story 10 minutes Vocabulary Closure (Objective Check, Shout Outs, Exit Ticket, Quote of the Day)
Make Vocabulary Sheet
Vocabulary 5 minutes
Agenda 10 seconds 25 minutes Opening Routine (Review, Automaticity, Good Things, Survey Says…, Objective) Person in Elevator, Person Walking Down the Stairs 5 minutes Brain Break 15 minutes Make a Story 10 minutes Vocabulary Closure (Objective Check, Shout Outs, Exit Ticket, Quote of the Day)
Objective Check 1 minute OBJECTIVE: SWBAT describe and create piece-wise function graphs by making a story from motion graphs Whole Class Did we meet today’s objective?
Homework Review 2 minutes Take today’s homework Ask clarifying questions
Shout Outs 3 minutes Take one post it from your bin and write A positive shout out to another student OR A way you used growth mindset (GM) today Example 1: “Shout out to Brandon for helping me understand how to graph.” Example 2: “I used GM today by trying to solve without a calculator even though I always use a calculator.”
Exit Ticket 5 minutes
Quote of the Day 30 seconds Reflection Need to think of a better way to introduce Elevation vs Time Graph. I tried doing a think aloud with mixed results.