Uniform Ordering Instructions Step 1: Click on the item you want to purchase by clicking on the image or description Enter Quantity Use for Waist and Inseam (length) Add to Cart Continue Shopping by Clicking on manufacturer, category or department Or Checkout Now Enter the ship to information for the completed order Continue to Checkout Select Payment option (Purchase order) Enter your Purchase order (EMPLOYEE NAME) Review order and make sure order is correct and accurate Step 4: Receive Confirmation ORDER RECEIVED with order # Logout Go to: https://shop.jwoutfitters.com/ Login E-mail: Your email address (lower case) Password: XXXXXXX (lower case) For new manager access please contact Debbie Hennings Step 2: Start shopping Single Click on a category, or department Step 3: Let’s walk thru ordering Example: Selected Retail under the Departments field, this will have only items for the Retail Department John.Doe@THEPARADIESSHOPS.com XXXXXX b12345