Evidence of continental drift 1. Continents fit together like jigsaw puzzle 2. Same type of fossils on different continents 3. Rock types, ages and structures that match up Glacier striations in South America and Africa 5. Shell fossils at top of Himalayas Mountains (30,000 feet)
NEW EVIDENCE Ocean floor mapping * Found youngest rocks at mid-ocean ridges and rocks get older on both sides as you move away from the ridge
2. Magnetic Striping Stripes of alternating magnetic polarity on each side of mid-ocean ridge
3. Seafloor Spreading Crust is “recycled” New crust created at mid-ocean ridges Oldest rock destroyed in deep ocean trenches
4. Earthquakes and Volcanoes Located at plate boundaries (along ridges and trenches) Ring of Fire - boundary around Pacific Ocean where many tectonic plates meet and move against each other
Earth’s Crust OCEANIC CONTINENTAL Denser, Basaltic, THINNER Mafic – rich in Iron (Fe) and Magnesium (Mg) CONTINENTAL Lighter, Granitic, THICKER Felsic – rich in Aluminum (Al) and Silicon (Si) ESRT page 10
The Crust The crust is composed of two rocks. The continental crust is mostly granite. The oceanic crust is basalt. Basalt is much denser than the granite. Because of this the less dense continents ride on the denser oceanic plates.