Monday: 5/1 Materials: Paper, Pen/pencil, Journal: Create a small story that includes this line SOMEWHERE in it… “I never thought I’d see her again…”
Agenda: Journal/Discussion Grade handouts/explanation Free write
Grade Handouts I have to make certain things aware to mom, dad, sister, uncle, aunt, grandma, grandpa—whoever you choose. Anyone who gets them (by the end of this week) will have a 69% or lower in the class…I am grading the summative sheets now.
Free Write #2 Now you will be writing a letter to your OLDER self. 10 years from now. (One Page) Talk about what you want in your life. What you hope you accomplished. Who you hope you have met. How you look.
Tuesday: 5/2 Materials: Paper, Pen/pencil, Journal: Create a small story that includes this line SOMEWHERE in it… “We’re not friends anymore and we will never be friends again!”
IT’S ALMOST MAY THE 4TH! Agenda Announcements Journal Discussion Free Write Sharing Short Story Notes Summative Schedule: Vocab- 5/12 Journal-5/17-5/19 Narrative-5/17-5/19 Book return- 5/22 You can take your books in the morning before school or during lunch as well…
Free Write in Pairs Share with your partner. Decide if you want to share with the class?
Note taking strategy… You are copying down everything in red font! This is the stuff that you should normally take notes on when you have notes in another class…Pay attention to what is red and what is not– why is it important? How is it shortened?
Elements of a Short Story Students will be provided a copy of the power point presentation in outline form. The outline form will have blanks to be filled in during the presentation. This presentation is in preparation of writing a short story for their portfolio. This presentation was designed for a resource Language Arts class; students having learning and behavior disorders.
Definition of a Short Story Tells about a single event or experience Fictional (not true) 500 to 15,000 words in length It has a beginning, middle, and end Creates an impression on the reader Includes all of the parts of plot: introduction, conflict, rising action (complications), climax and resolution
Elements of a Short Story Setting Characterization Plot Conflict Climax Resolution Theme Point of view
Every story needs characters People Animals Or Creatures
Sub-section of “characters” Short Story Vocabulary Protagonist: -the hero -leader of a cause -the good guy -Batman
The protagonist is the “good guy”
Short Story Vocabulary Antagonist: -the opposing force -the “bad guy” -Joker
The antagonist is the “bad guy” or force
Elements of a Short Story Setting Characterization of Characters Plot Conflict Climax Resolution Theme Point of view
Wednesday: 5/3 Most of the classes were in arena subbing because I was told to be proctoring testing less than 24 hours ahead of time.
Thursday: 5/4 Materials: Paper, Pen/pencil, Journal: Create a small story that includes this line SOMEWHERE in it… “A long long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…”
Agenda: Journal/ Discussion Group Story Get into groups of 4!
Stranded Stories Materials: 1 sheet of paper per student. 1 writing utensil per student. A fifth sheet of paper YOUR IMAGINATION!!! ;)
Stranded Stories Today you are stranded somewhere. With your four partners. Your back story is that you were all on a plane together about to go on assignment in the wilderness. As a group you all need to decide a couple things: Please place these decisions on the fifth sheet of paper…
Stranded Stories: Assignment 5 min for this portion… Where are you stranded? (what is the weather like etc.) Who is in what role: -Photographer -Botanist (plant scientist) -Pilot - Celebrity (of some kind) 3. What was your assignment? Why were you even on the plane? 4. Names
Stranded Stories PICK A MEETING PLACE and also write that on the fifth sheet: Now each of you need to figure out a way for your stories to clash together. -Talk about your time before the crash -Talk about the crash -Talk about how you found each other wherever you landed.
Stranded Stories Reminders: 1- Make sure your stories coordinate. 2- Remember what makes a good story– should there be a villain? Is one of you the villain? 3- Are you all on assignment or is someone there that wasn’t supposed to be? MAKE IT INTERESTING!!!
Stranded Stories You are presenting tomorrow! 10 minutes into class!
GET WITH YOUR GROUP AND YOU HAVE 10 MINUTES TO WORK! Friday: 5/5 Materials FROM YESTERDAY NO JOURNAL GET WITH YOUR GROUP AND YOU HAVE 10 MINUTES TO WORK! If you were absent, ask your classmates what we did.
Stranded Stories PRESENTATIONS