Making Rangelands More Secure in Cameroon Blasius Azuhnwi, El Hadj Jaji Manu Gidado, Michael Fon Nsoh Michael, Musa Ndamba and Fiona Flintan Presented by: El Hadj Jaji Manu Gidado
INTRODUCTION The study was supported by the ILC Rangelands Initiative, led by MBOSCUDA and other ILC members in order to identify good practice in making rangelands more secure This will feed into the design of a land governance project focusing on pastoral areas. It also provides information for those working in Cameroon as well as in other countries on different experiences in making rangelands secure. This can be used for awareness-raising and influencing of different actors. A publication has been produced documenting the lessons learned.
THEMATIC AREAS OF THE STUDY Governance and decision making processes Resolution of conflicts between different land users Land use planning and management in rangelands Promoting participation, supporting empowerment and collective action Titling, delimiting and protecting transhumance corridors and grazing zones
Case study approach was adopted 10 Case studies nation wide on different thematic areas Areas of case study
LESSONS LEARNT Education, capacity building, awareness raising are important in securing land rights Activities here should target pastoralists, general public and administrative officials
LESSONS LEARNT Developing and seeking legal recourse After communities become aware of their rights, use of paralegals as community advisers in primary intervention e.g. case of land grabbing
LESSONS LEARNT Organisation, mobilisation & networking are important Developing ‘group power’ builds confidence, fosters a sense of common identity and helps create common voice Locally generated conflict resolution mechanisms Pastoralists remain the best managers of rangeland resources as seen in the cases of dialogue platforms and alliance farming
LESSONS LEARNT Mapping is a powerful tool for legitimising land use and for guiding planning and development Use of several tools (GPS, GIS, Google Earth maps) Makes palpable and real what is held in peoples minds Flexibility is needed to incorporate multiple use and resource sharing More participatory management approaches needed in protected areas to create win-win for pastoralists and conservation
RECOMMENDATIONS For policy makers Policy and legislation must provide an enabling environment for community-led rangeland governance Recognition and where appropriate, formalisation of customary systems of rangeland management Enactment and promulgation of pastoral code
RECOMMENDATIONS For policy makers Effective decentralisation to enable lower levels of government implement rangeland related policy and legislation De-gazetting and down-sizing of protected areas Developing and institutionalising land use planning at different levels
RECOMMENDATIONS For Donor, Development NGOs, Pastoralists Open space for and build up the capacity of pastoralists to engage in dialogue and decision making rather than continuing to ‘represent them’
RECOMMENDATIONS For Donor, Development NGOs, Pastoralists Address institutional weaknesses in pastoralists’ organisations Review project funding cycles Promote development holistic approach with governance and technical related solutions Develop innovative learning activities e.g. learning routes
for your kind attention El Hadj Jaji Manu GIDADO Thank you for your kind attention El Hadj Jaji Manu GIDADO Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Livestock, Fisheries and Animal Industries National President, MBOSCUDA E.mail: Website: /