District Health Society, Gopalganj Report for the Month January-12
Cold Chain Information as on 31.01.2012 District :- Gopalganj Month :- 'Jan - 12 Sl. No. Name of PHC Deep Freezer Large Deep Freezer Small ILR Large ILR Small Voltage Stabillizer Generator Cold Boxes Large Cold Boxes Small Ice Pack Vaccine Carriage Thermometers Hub Cutter Working Repairable 1 Baikunthpur 2 10 4 14 5 832 180 8 Barauli 9 800 134 38 3 Manjha 7 1700 122 29 Sadar Block 6 34 130 25 Kuchaikote 22 850 173 16 Hathuwa 600 100 23 Uchkagaun 930 128 Bhore 15 870 50 Kateya 450 124 12 Vijaipur 500 136 21 11 Panchdevri 64 Sidhwalia 145 13 Thawe 24 661 92 Phulwaria 400 75 20 Dist. RCH 28 3580 54 SDH, Hathuwa Total :- 129 176 14023 1711 58 265
NLEP-Monthly Reporting Form PR :- 0.69% M.L.F . 05/A Page 1 NLEP-Monthly Reporting Form District/State Report (Delete the level District/State whichever not applicable) District Gopalganj State Bihar Reporting Month / Year January-12 Population of the Destrict / State Total SC ST 2677018 1 No of balance new cases at the beginning of the month 1.1 New Cases 1.2 Other Cases PB 82 3 MB 117 23 TOTAL 199 26 2 No. of "New Leprosy Cases" detected in the reporting month During reporting month Cummulative form 1 st April Adult 11 13 170 87 257 Child 4 33 16 49 15 17 203 103 306 Among new leprosy cases detected during the reporting month,number of Female 5 96 40 136 Deformity Grade-I 42 Grade-II 28 44 Number of New leprosy cacse deleted during the month RFT- 20 10 30 206 293 Otherwise deleted 6 7 207 93 300 Number of New leprosy cacse under treatment at the end of the month (1.1+2-4) 77 109 186 Number of "other cases" recorded and put under treatment (i) Relapse (ii) Reentered for treat 19 25 (iii) Referred (iv) Reclassified (v) Form other states 27 Number of "other cases" deleted from treatment RFT 9 22 31 32 8 No. of other cacse under treatment at the end of reporting month (1.2+6-7) 24
Monthly Reports on Vaccine / AD Syringe Name of District:- Gopalganj Name of Month : 'Jan - 12 S.No. Particulars OPV Measles BCG DPT Hep-B TT Vit"A" JE AD Syringe I Card T-OPV M-OPV 0.1ml 0.5ml 5ml T3 B-OPV (Polio Round) 1 Opening Balance 1000 1565 50 820 1437 6015 5040 88800 4798 2 Received during Month 1200 1300 2000 3000 6985 6100 10000 3 Distributed during Month 1625 375 1100 1850 1180 1450 6593 950 23900 4000 2900 4 Closing Balance- Month End 575 1190 250 970 3257 4565 392 5150 13840 64900 6000 1898
Progressive Report Under RNTCP of Gopalganj District No. of TU 5 No. of DMCs 20/20 No. of DOT Centre 225 No. of Patient Category Wise Oct-11 Nov-11 Dec-11 Jan-12 CAT - I 82 NSP 87 90 CAT - II 38 56 48 54 49 62 42 TOTAL :- 120 130 136 132
DISTRICT:- Gopalganj MONTH/YEAR:-Jan-12 Refd for Sputum Examination DMC wise Analysis DISTRICT:- Gopalganj MONTH/YEAR:-Jan-12 SL.NO TU DMC Jan-11 No. of Adult OPD No. of 3% Refd for Sputum Examination No. of Total Cases NSP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Gopalganj DTC Gopalganj 11516 230 136 11 Manjha 1780 36 64 Thawe 2181 44 68 Yadavpur 303 21 Baikunthpur 2226 45 106 10 Sidhwalia 1140 23 24 9 Mohammadpur 150 39 Barauli 205 133 Hathwa 3680 74 141 Kusaundhi 210 27 Uchkagaun 52 Mirganj 4080 82 Bhore 2119 42 66 Vijaipur 1072 Kateya 1940 51 Panchdevri 1310 26 Kuchaikote 3200 128 14 Phulwaria 1280 48 Jalalpur 1010 20 Grand Total :- 40542 812 1233 132 62
2011 - 12 Quarter Annual Target STATE HEALTH SOCIETY – BLINDNESS DIVISION,GOPALGANJ Pariwar Kalayan Bhawan, Sheikhpura, Patna -14 Format III NATIONAL PROGRAMME FOR CONTROL OF BLINDNESS DBCS- QUARTERLY MONITORING FORMAT (To be sent in July, Oct, Jan, April) State: BIHAR District: GOPALGANJ. Reporting Year 2011 - 12 Quarter IV Annual Target 5000 CATARACT PERFORMANCE QUARTER - I QUARTER - II QUARTER - III QUARTER - IV TOTAL APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR FACILITY MEDICAL COLLEGE DIST HOSPITAL C.H.C/SUB-DIST.HOSP. NGOS 72 41 107 34 254 PVT. SECTOR 27 175 17 36 306 887 478 537 782 667 3912 OTHERS (D.B.C.S.) 550 578 889 701 4166 PROG. TOTAL 202 219 255 561 1448 1998 2576 3465
MF4 SURVEILLANCE REPORT OF N.V.B.D.CONTROL PROGRAMME DISTRICT:- Gopalganj MONTH/YEAR: - Jan-12 SURVEILLANCE REPORT OF N.V.B.D.CONTROL PROGRAMME Sl.No. Name of the PHC A.C.D P.C.D M & C TOTAL Agewise Species Distribution Remarks if any B.S. Coll. B.S. Exam No. of +ve PV PF 0-5 5-15 +15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Baikunthpur - -- Sidhwalia 66 Barauli 120 Manjha 60 Gopalganj 46 Kuchaikote 75 Hathwa 30 Thawe 26 Uchkagaon Phulwaria Bhore 37 Kateya 42 Panchdevri Vijaipur 32 Total 564
MONTHLY KALA-AZAR REPORT DISTRICT:- Gopalganj MONTH/YEAR:- Jan-12 Sl.No Name of the PHC Report Upto Previous Month Reported During the Month Progressive Total Cases Under Treatment Untreated Cases Resistant Cases PKDL Cases Remarks if any Population of affected PHC's Cases Deaths Treated 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Baikunthpur 260836 104 Sidhwalia 148340 82 88 85 Barauli 231268 159 166 20 Manjha 208797 57 63 Gopalganj 209037 24 26 Kuchaikote 344048 47 50 Hathwa 238186 91 100 Thawe 119717 Uchkagaon 189394 22 Phulwaria 122174 Bhore 216096 51 Kateya 133444 36 Panchdevri 104212 Vijaipur 154348 Total 2679897 719 755 733 21