OGSA Session #1 Execution Management Services


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Presentation transcript:

OGSA Session #1 Execution Management Services Lead: Ravi Subramaniam, Intel 2004 September 21st OGSA-WG (Execution Management Services)

OGSA-WG (Execution Management Services) Agenda Re-cap the focus of design team Achievement till date Review current architecture thinking Discussion on concept gaps (based on known current implementations) Identify the artifacts that are missing 2004 September 21st OGSA-WG (Execution Management Services)

GGF Intellectual Property Policy All statements related to the activities of the GGF and addressed to the GGF are subject to all provisions of Section 17 of GFD-C.1 ( .pdf), which grants to the GGF and its participants certain licenses and rights in such statements. Such statements include verbal statements in GGF meetings, as well as written and electronic communications made at any time or place, which are addressed to any GGF working group or portion thereof, Where the GFSG knows of rights, or claimed rights, the GGF secretariat shall attempt to obtain from the claimant of such rights, a written assurance that upon approval by the GFSG of the relevant GGF document(s), any party will be able to obtain the right to implement, use and distribute the technology or works when implementing, using or distributing technology based upon the specific specification(s) under openly specified, reasonable, non-discriminatory terms. The working group or research group proposing the use of the technology with respect to which the proprietary rights are claimed may assist the GGF secretariat in this effort. The results of this procedure shall not affect advancement of document, except that the GFSG may defer approval where a delay may facilitate the obtaining of such assurances. The results will, however, be recorded by the GGF Secretariat, and made available. The GFSG may also direct that a summary of the results be included in any GFD published containing the specification. 2004 September 21st OGSA-WG (Execution Management Services)

OGSA-WG (Execution Management Services) EMS - Focus Concerned with the OGSA services that are concerned with the “execution” of any work in the Grid – specification, provision, placement, management, scheduling, execution etc. Based on SOA/SOE concepts including Web services Will identify the key services and details of interfaces, semantics, behavio(u)rs, protocols Will identify the requirements for other services that are not required but may be the direct purview of other teams Re-factor the services with respect to services in the overall OGSA framework (for e.g. reuse patterns, minimize/eliminate duplication) Should support virtualized, adaptive, dynamic, utility, HPC, organic, on-demand oriented usage scenarios 2004 September 21st OGSA-WG (Execution Management Services)

OGSA-WG (Execution Management Services) Achievements … Completed a first cut of the services Identified additional services that will be required Developed a pattern for the way services will be viewed – adopted by OGSA for the other areas Significant progress on documenting the services, interactions (for first cut services) 2004 September 21st OGSA-WG (Execution Management Services)

Current thinking/architecture (WIP) See next foil 2004 September 21st OGSA-WG (Execution Management Services)

Philosophy “Demand” “Supply” Primary Interaction Meta - Interaction Workload Mgmt. Framework User/Job Proxies Environment Mgmt. Policies “Supply” “Demand” CMM Resource Mgmt. Framework Reservation Optimizing Framework Resource Selection Resource – Workload Optimal Mapping Workload Optimization Workload Post Balancing Resource Provisioning Workload Optimizing Framework Workload Orchestration Workload Models (History/Prediction) Dependency management Scheduling Resource Optimizing Framework Capacity Management Resource Placement Primary Interaction Meta - Interaction Represents one or more OGSA services Resource Allocation (or Binding) Job Factory Admission Control (Resources) Admission Control (Workload) SLA Management (Workload) Quality of Service (Resources) Queuing Services Information Provider Selection Context (e.g. VO) 2004 September 21st OGSA-WG (Execution Management Services)

OGSA-WG (Execution Management Services) Assumptions All services support fundamental Web services plumbing (e.g. XML, SOAP, WSDL etc) All services can be composed (composition types and primitives are supported by all services) Composition can also be “composition by implementation” – all porttypes to be exposed 2004 September 21st OGSA-WG (Execution Management Services)

OGSA-WG (Execution Management Services) Resources Used in its widest sense to represent physical and virtual entities that are required to “execute” a workload Examples of resources are licenses, license servers, CPU, hosts, data, data stores, other services, execution containers Can be described in well-defined terms; can be classified Has a unique identity, can be named, be addressed and be accessed using a handle Resource can be persistent or transient Can be reserved (directly or indirectly) Can be provisioned Possess a lifecycle that can be explicitly managed 2004 September 21st OGSA-WG (Execution Management Services)

OGSA-WG (Execution Management Services) Workload Abstract notion of the set of operations that need to be performed to meet defined goals – can be arbitrarily complex; hierarchical; have dependencies Realized as jobs, messages, management actions that are related 2004 September 21st OGSA-WG (Execution Management Services)

OGSA-WG (Execution Management Services) Job Primary, self-aware unit of execution management – has virtual and concrete aspects Can be aggregated and composed to more complex services like workflows (i.e. job is not a workflow) Jobs may have sub part called tasks Virtual aspects are represented as a ‘job document’ – including the persisted state of the job (?) A job document describes a job instance completely (state, goals, agreements, constraints, properties, etc) Concrete aspects are realized by a factory (entire job created by factory?) May be a lasting or transient Grid service – a resource Addressable Manageable (including lifecycle) Lifecycle management includes functions like start, stop, persist, migrate Self-aware means understanding its state, can ensure that it recovers from failure, can negotiate and get agreements for the resources required, can drive for meeting its own specific goals. (Implementation can be simplified if required by creation of a job manager) 2004 September 21st OGSA-WG (Execution Management Services)

OGSA-WG (Execution Management Services) Job manager Is a proxy for a job – can represent multiple instances of jobs Provides all the porttypes of a job (is a WSDM collection) Can be a job factory Can provide a job steering function Had a distinct identity when representing multiple jobs (special case of a job) Require its own manageability interfaces (independent of the jobs managed) 2004 September 21st OGSA-WG (Execution Management Services)

Services to manage/drive resources and jobs Information services Provide a dynamic snapshot of the environment Provide discovery framework Provide views or realms of decision making Includes registries, indexes, logging etc Work to resource mapping Candidate set generator (provides static, pattern based mappings from a job to multiple sets of resources that can be used) Execution Planning services (only generates the plans for completion of jobs; does not enact or enforce the plans; can be a plan that includes schedules for initiation and schedules for subsequent manipulation) Schedule is a special case of a plan Can have multiple services building multiple parts of the plan or alternate plans Work to resource binding (sets up the association between the work and the actual resource) Agreement services (proxy for generating agreements) Reservation is a goal for negotiation and agreement 2004 September 21st OGSA-WG (Execution Management Services)

OGSA-WG (Execution Management Services) Other services Policy Security Provisioning Environment Service (dependent services, resources etc) Logging Metering See the philosophy diagram for other types of services that are required. 2004 September 21st OGSA-WG (Execution Management Services)