1. What do we call the ratio of frame width to frame height? 2. Which of the most common of these ratios was Citizen Kane shot in? 3-7. Name the five principal ways to transition from one shot to another. 8. What method of editing involves moving a transition boundary of any shape across the frame, thus substituting one shot for another shot? 9. What method of editing involves overlapping the first shot with the second, fading out the first while the second fades in? 10. What word describes editing that juxtaposes two separate spheres of action by editing back and forth between them in a way that suggests they are going on simultaneously? EXTRA CREDIT: What is “Academy Ratio”?
Editing—Five transitions Cut Fade-In Fade-Out Wipe Dissolve
More editing fun Cross cutting Match on action Eyeline match Graphic match Jump cuts (15-degree rule) Length of shot (“take”=one uninterrupted run of the camera)
Continuity editing (“invisible editing”) Establishing shot Shot-reverse shot Re-establishing shot
The “Axis of Action” (180-degree rule) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhuxu-AkqNg
Genre and Out of the Past Genre: ““a rough category intuitively shared by audience and filmmaker” (David Bordwell, Kristin Thompson) Genres and expectations Film genres vs. genre films
Out of the Past Released 1947 Directed by Jacques Tourneur Screenplay by Geoffrey Homes (aka Daniel Mainwaring) from his novel Build My Gallows High DP: Nicholas Musaraca Music: Roy Webb Starring Robert Mitchum, Jane Greer, Kirk Douglas
Film Noir (adapted from Katz’ Film Encyclopedia) 1940s and 50s Crime and corruption Heroes and villains are cynical Mood of fatalism, lassitude “Dark tones and tense nervousness” Femme fatale vs. good girl