BELLRINGER Speech/Debate Survey What’s you name and grade level? Why did you sign up for this class? Do you have any previous exposure to Speech and Debate? If so, explain. What do you expect to get out of this class? At this point, do you plan on competiting on the speech and debate team? Do you prefer to work by yourself, or in a group? On a scale of 1-10 how comfortable are you presenting in front of people? On a Scale of 1-10, how much do you like writing? Are you interested in acting?
Welcome to Competitive Speech & Debate! RESPECT, COMMUNITY, EXCELLENCE Welcome to Competitive Speech & Debate! ROCKY MOUNTAIN HIGH SCHOOL FALL 2017
What is speech and Debate? ACCOUNTABILITY, LOYALTY, EXCELLENCE What is speech and Debate?
Speech and Debate as ACADEMIC Track & FIELD ACCOUNTABILITY, LOYALTY, EXCELLENCE Speech and Debate as ACADEMIC Track & FIELD DEBATE COMPETITIVE SPEECH 4 Different Events Individual or Team Options Critical Reasoning and Persuasive Speaking 14 Different Events Individual or Team Options Acting to Current Events to Persuasion to Humor
EVENTS OFFERED Congressional Debate Public Forum Debate ACCOUNTABILITY, LOYALTY, EXCELLENCE EVENTS OFFERED COMPETITIVE SPEECH Radio Broadcast Journalism Salesmanship After Dinner Speaking Impromptu Speaking Informative Speaking Panel Discussion Original Oratory Oratorical Analysis Retold Story Extemporaneous Speaking Duo Interpretation Humorous Interpretation Dramatic Interpretation Program Oral Interp DEBATE Congressional Debate Public Forum Debate Lincoln-Douglas Debate Policy Debate
WHY SPEECH AND DEBATE? IMPROVED THINKING IMPROVED WRITING ACCOUNTABILITY, LOYALTY, EXCELLENCE WHY SPEECH AND DEBATE? IMPROVED THINKING IMPROVED WRITING IMPROVED SPEAKING Formulating Positions Increased Empathy Organizing Thoughts Reasoned Argumentation Effective opening/conclusions CLEAR, CONNECTED CLAIMS Logical organizations Rhetorical Skills Confidence Voice and Projection Body Movement and Gestures Tips and Tricks
WHY SPEECH AND DEBATE? IMPROVING OURSELVES IMPROVING OUR COMMUNITIES ACCOUNTABILITY, LOYALTY, EXCELLENCE WHY SPEECH AND DEBATE? IMPROVING OURSELVES IMPROVING OUR COMMUNITIES IMPROVING THE WORLD! Improved Decision Making Listening Skills Building Confidence/overcoming fears Building Academic/Professional Skills Contributing to the Conversation Less coercion/manipulation Solving Problems Ethical Argumentation Modeling behavior Providing Leadership Strong Voices in Government Finding Truth
Why speech and debate? (women) ACCOUNTABILITY, LOYALTY, EXCELLENCE Why speech and debate? (women) Women earn 78 cents for every dollar a man makes Only 17% of the seats in Congress are held by women. Women are only 10 percent of governors. Only 12 percent of the mayors of the 100 largest American cities are women. Their presence in top management positions today remains below 9 percent. Women accounted for just 16 percent of all the directors, executive producers, producers, writers, cinematographers, and editors who worked on the top-grossing 250 domestic films of 2013. (All statistics provided by the Center for American Progress)
THE KEY TO SUCCESS: ATTITUDE ACCOUNTABILITY, LOYALTY, EXCELLENCE THE KEY TO SUCCESS: ATTITUDE “We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.” ― Kurt Vonnegut, “Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it.” ― Lou Holtz “Seek freedom and become a captive of your desires. Seek discipline and find your liberty.” - -Frank Herbert
IN THE KNOW… Class Rules Classroom Orientation Syllabus ACCOUNTABILITY, LOYALTY, EXCELLENCE IN THE KNOW… Class Rules Classroom Orientation Syllabus Important Upcoming Dates: Signed Syllabus Form (Next Thursday 8/31) Parent Night (Tuesday, September 12th @6:30pm) 1st Practice Night (Varsity - Sept. 12th, Novice - Sept. 19th ) Novice Boot Camp (Saturday, September 16th)