USGS Science for a Changing Everglades Vic Engel Wetland and Aquatic Research Center Gainesville, FL. Ecosystems Mission Area Time of Change This talk will be about how I see the world.
USGS Mission Areas Ecosystems Water Climate and Land Use Change Environmental Health Core Science Systems Natural Hazards Energy and Minerals National programs but funding, facilities, staff etc. are organized into regions. We fall into the SE region.
USGS Ecosystems Mission Area Provide science to support the sound management and conservation of our Nation’s biological resources, with particular emphasis on DOI trust responsibilities. The mission of the Ecosystems MA provides science to support the sound management and conservation of our Nations biological resources, with particular emphasis on DOI trust lands, species, and priority ecosystems. The Department of the Interior: 1. Manages one in every five acres of land in the United States. 2. Manages 397 national parks and 542 wildlife refuges. 3. Operates more than 800 dams and irrigation facilities. 4. Oversees water projects that irrigate lands generating 60 percent of our Nation’s vegetables. 5. Manages lands and waters that generate one-third of the Nation’s domestic energy supply. 6. Manages over 1,500 Threatened and Endangered Species. 7. Operates 70 National Fish Hatcheries. 8. Serves American Indians, Alaska Natives, and affiliated island communities.
USGS Water Mission Area The USGS works with partners to monitor, assess, and conduct targeted research on the wide range of water resources and conditions, including streamflow, groundwater, water quality, and water use and availability.
USGS Organizational Role Center should read Centers plus collaborators, including all of our CESU agreements
USGS Science Center locations WARC, BR WARC, GNV CCR CFWSC SPCMSC WARC, LFYT Other USGS science centers working in south FL FCSC – For Collins (Ecosystems) WSC – Wisconsin Science Center EGSC – Eastern Geography EGPSC – Eastern Geology and Paleoclimate NRP – National Research Program (Water) Go to the websites of any of these Centers to get regular updates on new research projects, publications,
Research topics in south Florida Invasive species Imperiled species Climate change Ecological and hydrologic modeling Hydrogeology Paleo-ecology Water quality Carbon, nutrient and sediment dynamics Plant community ecology Nearly all Mission Areas are involved Check websites for more information on the wide range of topics being investigated in south Florida
USGS - CESU projects Spatial Ecology of Crocodilians in the Greater Everglades Field work and pubs Evaluation of Tegu Movements and Habitat Use in Relation to Location Little Blue Heron habitat modeling in relation to freshwater flows Modeling and pubs
USGS - CESU projects Joint Ecosystem Modeling: Greater Everglades Modeling Decision Support Tools Apple snail habitat modeling Modeling coastal vegetation change as a result of SLR and storm surge Stable isotope analyses Structured decision-making and optimization of invasive species management Data analysis, modeling and pubs Sea turtle satellite tracking and habitat modeling Geospatial and statistical analyses
Research needs - Ecosystems Increased high resolution topography data eDNA methods and interpretation in soils and flowing waters Invasive species control methods Information on pathogens carried by non-native species Impacts of harmful algal blooms on imperiled species Climate change forecasts and impacts High Topography data for ecological modeling eDNA breakdown in flowing waters, soils? New source of monitoring information that we need to know how to interpret Control methods include all types- genetic-based, traps,
Research needs - Water Climate change impacts on water availability and sustainability projects Optimization algorithms for water management and communicating risks of specific actions Competing demands (e.g. water supply for people vs agriculture vs ecosystems) Trade-offs between water supply and flood control Climate change impacts on water availability and sustainability projects Optimization algorithms for water management applications and communicating risks of specific actions/no action Competing demands (e.g. water supply for people vs agriculture vs ecosystems) Trade-offs between water supply and flood control
Thank you!