Kiwis want origin labelling NZ imports nearly $3 billion worth of food products. Why can’t we find out where they came from? A 2007 Consumer survey showed more than 50% of people said they would pay more for a Kiwi-made product More than 35% said they always or often considered whether a product was NZ made before purchase
The arguments Not a public health and safety issue We acknowledge labelling is not necessarily a public health and safety issue but consumers have a right to labelling information to make informed choice. Product safety is not the only issue Supporting local producers and local economy Avoiding some countries for ethical reasons Safeguarding against questionable quality control in some countries
The arguments Cost Most consumer demand is on whole or single-ingredient foods and manufacturers already have systems for knowing where these foods come from – or they should have. Already carry other labels on their foods – many of those misleading Origin labelling will be a change to the Food Standards Code – so there will be transition period. Companies have been quick to change labels when they see a marketing advantage from the change. Not new – industries such as clothing and footwear have coped with mandatory labelling requirements. Wine has to carry CoOL
The arguments Multi-ingredient products are a problem They do pose a problem, but the focus of a compulsory regime should be on whole foods or single-ingredient products. This is where most of the concern lies
The arguments Industry is already playing its part After pressure from consumers, Progressive Enterprises (Countdown, Foodtown and Woolworths) and Foodstuffs (Pak’NSave, New World, Write Price, Shoprite and Four Square) announced they would voluntarily label the country of origin on all fresh fruit, vegetables, meat and seafood But no regulation and our research has showed the labelling to be frequently inaccurate
The arguments Australian capsicums with a “product of NZ” label Mince that’s a “Product of NZ or Australia” Italian kiwifruit on the bag, New Zealand on the price ticket People thinking Zespri and ENZA labels signify NZ. They don’t. Both Zespri and ENZA grow fruit in other countries and sell it here Ginger carrying no label – Chinese ginger uses an insecticide – no one in the shop knowing where it came from
The arguments Affect on trade Most of our major trading partners require some CoOL labelling so it’s hard to argue this one The US has mandatory requirements for foods such as meat, fresh fruits and vegetables and honey. In Canada fresh fruit and vegetables must be labelled In Australia fresh product such as fish, pork and fruit and vegetables must be labelled. Australia also requires this for products which have undergone processing like the tomatoes in a jar of sun-dried tomatoes. The EU has requirements NZ has joint Food Standards Code with Australia but opted out of this. At the very least we should have the same information as Australian consumers
The arguments Consumers expect to buy produce all year round And why shouldn’t they? But they should also know where their produce came from (and probably why it is so much more expensive!)
Where’s it from? Wattie’s tomato sauce is a Kiwi icon – but don’t assume it’s Kiwi-made. Tomato sauce in a can is from here, tomato sauce in a squeeze bottle is from Australia Wattie’s baked beans are “Made in NZ” How is this possible when the navy beans are not from here? “Made in NZ” means the product was grown or processed here but the ingredients could come from anywhere. “Product of NZ” means it was grown or produced and made here
Consumer view Knowing where food comes from doesn’t tell you whether it’s safe or not but there are other factors consumers want to be able to take into consideration Recently we have had the Chinese milk scandal, contaminated oysters from Korea and BSE in UK beef – more than ever consumers deserve to know where their food comes from Kiwi consumers deserve at least the same information that Australians are entitled to. The government needs to urgently reconsider its position on our exemption from the origin-labelling clause in the Food Standards Code If the label doesn’t tell you where a product is from, ask the supermarket manager – if fresh produce isn’t labelled complain