The Vietnam War 1954 - 1975
Background to the War France controlled “Indochina” since the late 19th century Indochina consists of Vietnam, Laos & Cambodia Tried to regain control after WWII; Vietnamese fight a guerrilla war against reoccupation Ho Chi Minh had been fighting for Vietnamese independence since World War I. The U.S. gave France aid to win its support in American anticommunist efforts in Western Europe.
Background to the War Vietnam divided at 17th parallel Ho Chi Minh’s nationalist forces controlled the North Ngo Dinh Diem, “democracy” in South France & U.S. establish the Anti-communist government In S.V. *Diem ruled the south as a dictator. Realizing he would Diem backs out of elections.
Early Protests of Diem’s Government Self-Emolation by a Buddhist Monk
WHY did the US Support the corrupt South? US Gov’t feels Vietnam is important to America. Domino Theory-if SV falls to communism, other countries will quickly follow (mainly in SE Asia) Containment-larger US policy against communism; prevent it from expanding its territory or spreading its influence
Gulf of Tonkin August 1964- U.S. President Lyndon Johnson sends more troops b/c two U.S. destroyers were attacked by N. patrol boats in Gulf of Tonkin. ½ million soldiers by 1968.
Who Is the Enemy? Vietcong: Farmers by day; guerillas at night; willing to accept many casualties American sends more troops to avoid Vietcong takeover. The guerilla wins if he does not lose, the conventional army loses if it does not win. -- Mao Zedong
Vietcong Supported by many people in both South and North Vietnam. South supports because gov’t unpopular U.S. has trouble fighting on unfamiliar territory. Late 1960’s- US bombed farmland and forest (civilian targets)- U.S. protests.
Vietnamization 1969- U.S. begins to withdraw troops South Vietnam increases its military role Last U.S. forces leave in 1973 N. Vietnam overruns the South.
South Vietnamese Attempt to Flee the Country The Fall of Saigon South Vietnamese Attempt to Flee the Country
America Abandons Its Embassy The Fall of Saigon April 30, 1975 America Abandons Its Embassy
North Vietnamese at the Presidential Palace The Fall of Saigon North Vietnamese at the Presidential Palace
A United Vietnam Formerly Saigon