Catalyst: Given, Un Known , equation &Solution must be shown. Tuesday November 29,2016 Note – Project – The review packet should be completed and turned in on 11/28 (Your final project grade, essential to pass this class) GPS - SPS7. Students will relate transformations and flow of energy within a system. a. Identify energy transformations within a system (e.g. lighting of a match). b. Investigate molecular motion as it relates to thermal energy changes in terms of conduction, convection, and radiation. c. Determine the heat capacity of a substance using mass, specific heat, and temperature. Catalyst: Given, Un Known , equation &Solution must be shown. What is the current if the voltage is 18 volts and resistance is 7 ohms? Learning targets, Our goal is 80% I can Identify energy transformations within a system I can differentiate between conduction, convection and radiation I can calculate for potential and kinetic energy I can differentiate the various forms of energy I can relate energy and work I can relate determine the heat capacity of a substance I can explain the difference in mass and weight And answer a question like this: Topic: Electricity Essential Question: How is current, voltage and resistance related? Identify the different types of energy transformation in each cases a)Windmill b) Flash light 3)microwave
Agenda - Milestones Domain/Weight: Atomic and Nuclear Theory and the Periodic Table 25% Catalyst 10 min Intro-reading a solubility chart 30 min Tasty solution - Lab 30 min. Video - conclusion 10min
Ch. 18 - Waves & Sound I. Characteristics of Waves Waves Transverse waves Longitudinal waves Measuring waves
A. Waves Waves rhythmic disturbances that carry energy through matter or space Medium material through which a wave transfers energy solid, liquid, gas, or combination electromagnetic waves don’t need a medium (e.g. visible light)
B. Waves & Energy Waves Energy Carry energy Waves carry energy Waves are caused by vibrations Can do work Move objects Energy Waves carry energy Vibration is a transfer of energy As waves carry energy the particles in the medium move the direction of the motion determines the type of wave
Electromagnetic Waves C. Categories of Waves Mechanical Waves Must travel through a medium Cannot travel through a vacuum Examples: sound, ocean waves Electromagnetic Waves Does not require a medium Can be transferred through a vacuum Examples: light, UV rays, Visible light
D. Types of Waves Two Types: Longitudinal Transverse
D. Transverse Waves Transverse Waves medium vibrates perpendicular to the direction of wave motion Examples: water waves, electromagnetic waves
corresponds to the amount of energy carried by the wave B. Transverse Waves Wave Anatomy corresponds to the amount of energy carried by the wave crests wavelength amplitude nodes troughs
E. Longitudinal Waves Longitudinal Waves (a.k.a. compressional waves) medium moves in the same direction as the wave’s motion Examples: sound waves, springs, slinky
E. Longitudinal Waves Wave Anatomy compression wavelength rarefaction Amount of compression corresponds to amount of energy AMPLITUDE
F. Measuring Waves Frequency ( f ) # of waves passing a point in 1 second SI unit: Hertz (Hz) 1 second shorter wavelength higher frequency higher energy
Frequency is measured in hertz (Hz). F. Measuring Waves 1 Frequency = period ( ) or period = the amount of time for one cycle to do a complete motion Cycle second Frequency is measured in hertz (Hz). 1Hz = 1 wave per second
v = × f F. Measuring Waves Velocity ( v ) speed of a wave as it moves forward depends on wave type and medium v = × f v: velocity (m/s) : wavelength (m) f: frequency (Hz)
F. Measuring Waves Solid Liquid Molecules are close together so waves travel very quickly. Molecules are farther apart but can slide past one another so waves do not travel as fast. Gas Insert movie clips Molecules are very far apart so a molecule has to travel far before it hits another molecule, so waves travel slowest in gases.
F. Measuring Waves f v GIVEN: WORK: v = ? v = × f EX: Find the velocity of a wave in a wave pool if its wavelength is 3.2 m and its frequency is 0.60 Hz. GIVEN: v = ? = 3.2 m f = 0.60 Hz WORK: v = × f v = (3.2 m)(0.60 Hz) v = 1.92 m/s v f
F. Measuring Waves f v GIVEN: WORK: = 417 m f = v ÷ EX: An earthquake produces a wave that has a wavelength of 417 m and travels at 5000 m/s. What is its frequency? GIVEN: = 417 m v = 5000 m/s f = ? WORK: f = v ÷ f = (5000 m/s) ÷ (417 m) f = 12 Hz v f
Ch. 17 – Waves II. Wave Behavior Doppler effect Reflection Refraction Diffraction Interference Constructive Interference Destructive Interference Doppler effect
A. Wave Interactions Wave Interaction When a wave meets an object or another wave. When a wave passes into another medium Examples: reflection, diffraction, refraction, interference, resonance
A. Reflection Reflection when a wave strikes an object and bounces off Normal Reflection when a wave strikes an object and bounces off incident beam reflected beam
A. Reflection When a wave bounces off a surface that is cannot pass through
B. Refraction Refraction bending of waves when passing from one medium to another caused by a change in speed slower (more dense) light bends toward the normal SLOWER FASTER faster (less dense) light bends away from the normal
B. Refraction The bending of a wave as it enters a new medium at an angle.
B. Refraction Refraction depends on… speed of light in the medium wavelength of the light - shorter wavelengths (blue) bend more
B. Refraction Example: View explanation.
C. Diffraction The bending of a wave as it moves around an obstacle or passes through a narrow opening.
C. Diffraction Diffraction bending of waves around a barrier longer wavelengths (red) bend more - opposite of refraction
D. Interference The interaction of two or more waves that combine in a region of overlap
D. Interference Two types of Interference constructive brighter light destructive dimmer light
E/F. Constructive & Destructive Interference Both are caused by two or more waves interacting, but… Constructive interference combines the energies of the two waves into a greater amplitude Destructive interference reduces the energies of the two waves into a smaller amplitude.
G. Doppler Effect A change in wave frequency caused by movement of sound source, motion of the listener, or both.
Ch. 18 - Waves & Sound III. The Nature of Sound Speed of Sound Human hearing Doppler effect Seeing with sound
A. Speed of Sound 344 m/s in air at 20°C Depends on: Type of medium travels better through solids than through liquids can’t travel through a vacuum Temperature of medium travels faster at higher temperatures Insert a movie clip
converted to nerve impulses in cochlea B. Human Hearing sound wave vibrates ear drum amplified by bones converted to nerve impulses in cochlea
B. Human Hearing Pitch highness or lowness of a sound depends on frequency of sound wave human range: 20 - 20,000 Hz ultrasonic waves Insert fat lady singing subsonic waves
B. Human Hearing Intensity volume of sound depends on energy (amplitude) of sound wave measured in decibels (dB)
B. Human Hearing DECIBEL SCALE 120 110 100 80 70 40 18 10
C. Doppler Effect Doppler Effect change in wave frequency caused by a moving wave source moving toward you - pitch sounds higher moving away from you - pitch sounds lower
C. Doppler Effect Stationary source Moving source Supersonic source waves combine to produce a shock wave called a sonic boom same frequency in all directions higher frequency lower frequency
“Sound Navigation Ranging” D. Seeing with Sound Ultrasonic waves - above 20,000 Hz Medical Imaging SONAR “Sound Navigation Ranging”
IV. Electromagnetic Radiation (p.528-535) EM Radiation EM Spectrum Types of EM Radiation
A. Electromagnetic Radiation transverse waves produced by the motion of electrically charged particles does not require a medium speed in a vacuum = 300,000 km/s electric and magnetic components are perpendicular
B. Electromagnetic Spectrum The full range of light
B. Electromagnetic (EM) Spectrum long low f low energy short high f high energy
C. Types of EM Radiation Rabbits Meet In Very Unusual Xciting Gardens
C. Types of EM Radiation Radio waves Lowest energy EM radiation FM - frequency modulation AM - amplitude modulation Microwaves penetrate food and vibrate water & fat molecules to produce thermal energy
C. Types of EM Radiation Infrared Radiation (IR) slightly lower energy than visible light can raise the thermal energy of objects thermogram - image made by detecting IR radiation
C. Types of EM Radiation Visible Light small part of the spectrum we can see ROY G. BIV - colors in order of increasing energy R O Y G. B I V red orange yellow green blue indigo violet
C. Types of EM Radiation Ultraviolet Radiation (UV) slightly higher energy than visible light Types: UVA - tanning, wrinkles UVB - sunburn, cancer UVC - most harmful, sterilization
C. Types of EM Radiation Ultraviolet Radiation (UV) Ozone layer depletion = UV exposure!
C. Types of EM Radiation X rays higher energy than UV can penetrate soft tissue, but not bones
Radiation treatment using radioactive cobalt-60. C. Types of EM Radiation Gamma rays highest energy on the EM spectrum emitted by radioactive atoms used to kill cancerous cells Radiation treatment using radioactive cobalt-60.