Key Policies and Procedures for a respectful Workplace YOUR TOMORROW BEGINS HERE
Building a Respectful Workplace Illegal Bullying/Harassment Unprofessional
Policies and Practices We Will Review Equal Employment Opportunity Policy Policy Against Workplace Harassment & Violence Drug & Alcohol Policy Social Media Policy YOUR TOMORROW BEGINS HERE
EEO Policy TUHS is committed to: Attracting and retaining the best employees Supporting a policy of equal opportunity Making employment decisions based on merit and ability , regardless of an applicant’s race, religion, age, disability, national origin, color, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, military status, genetic information, pregnancy, or any other protected class. YOUR TOMORROW BEGINS HERE
EEO Policy We Value Diversity at TUHS Be sensitive to ethnic, cultural, gender and generational differences Respect and appreciate the values and beliefs of others Treat people as individuals YOUR TOMORROW BEGINS HERE
EEO Policy Deborah and Dominic are the top candidates for an assistant nurse manager position Deborah is the stronger candidate, but it’s obvious to the hiring manager that she’s pregnant. It would be really inconvenient for the unit if they hired Deborah and she went out on maternity leave a few months later, so the hiring manager decides to hire Dominic instead.
Workplace Harassment & Violence Policy TUHS – A Respectful Workplace: Provide a safe and secure environment free from workplace harassment/discrimination Harassment and threats of violence are serious forms of misconduct that undermine our core values Providing excellent health care REQUIRES team work The policy applies to all business relationships whether between a supervisor/employee, worker/co-worker, staff/patient, employee/business invitee or other professional relationship. YOUR TOMORROW BEGINS HERE
Workplace Harassment & Violence Policy Examples of Unacceptable Conduct Intimidation Slurs Threats (implied or direct) Derogatory comments Unwelcome jokes, teasing Sexual advances Inappropriate use of TUHS communications Offensive pictures or displays When in doubt, don’t do it or say it! If it’s not appropriate at your child’s school or your place or worship, it’s not appropriate at work. YOUR TOMORROW BEGINS HERE
Workplace Harassment & Violence Policy If you feel harassed or intimidated in any way, for any reason, you are encouraged to immediately: Bring issue to the attention of your supervisor, Human Resources or TUHS Employee Relations Complete the Workplace Concerns Form available on Employee Intranet (HR Forms) or Call the Harassment Hotline (2-0884) Retaliation for initiating or filing a complaint, or for participating in an investigation is prohibited. This includes students as well YOUR TOMORROW BEGINS HERE
Q & A Two coworkers are having a disagreement in front of a patient, and one says, “Let’s take this outside” so they can continue the discussion in private. An employee asks a colleague in another department out on a date, he declines, and she doesn’t ask him again. An employee loudly complains to anyone who will listen about the smell of the “ethnic” food a coworker brings from home every day. An employee has an Eagles cheerleaders calendar (the one where they’re all in bikinis) prominently displayed in his workstation. An employee has some recurring problems with her supervisor, so she fills out a Workplace Complaint Form. When the supervisor finds out, she tells the employee she’s going to cut her hours and only schedule her for night shifts. YOUR TOMORROW BEGINS HERE
Drug & Alcohol Policy TUHS is committed to maintaining a safe workplace for patients and employees Our facilities are smoke free (except in designated areas), drug free and alcohol free There is zero tolerance for unlawful use, possession, distribution or the manufacture of drugs or alcohol on TUHS properties We do random drug testing to ensure a safe work environment If you are on prescribed medications that may impair your ability to perform your job, you may be required to report that to Occupational Health Violations of these policies are subject to discipline up to and including immediate termination YOUR TOMORROW BEGINS HERE
Social Media Policy We are committed to using social media and other communication avenues responsibly. No social networking (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) at work, unless work related When using social networking during your personal time, use your personal email account Do not suggest that your views represent TUHS YOUR TOMORROW BEGINS HERE