Spirit & Sportsmanship


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Presentation transcript:

Spirit & Sportsmanship Introductions: Introduce yourself & session How many of you have competed in a BEST robotics competition? How many of you are new to the BEST robotics competition? (Yay!) The purpose of this presentation is to provide you with some insight as to what you are going to be evaluated on in this category of the competition, to walk through the score sheet, and to be able to ask any questions that you might have. All of the information that we are going to be talking about can be found in your teacher’s Kick-Off packet or on the BEST robotics website in the Awards & Judging Documents (part 1 &2) and in the score sheet. If you have any questions, you may contact our Awards & Judging Coordinator, Briana Nupdal, at ndsurobotics@gmail.com. Bison BEST Kick-Off Session 2017

BEST Competition There are two parallel tracts to the BEST program: The Robotics Competition The BEST Award (Optional) Note: The Project Engineering Notebook is required along with the robot for the robot competition The BEST program is split into 2 categories – the Robotics Competition and the BEST Award. The BEST Award is optional for teams to compete for. The Team Exhibit & Interview points contribute to the BEST Award. NOTE: The Project Engineering Notebook is required for EVERY team competing at Bison BEST! Even the teams that are not competing for the BEST Award.

BEST Award All teams are eligible for the BEST Award, if you choose to compete Judging is based on five criteria (100 points possible): Project Engineering Notebook (30 points) Marketing Presentation (25 points) Team Exhibit & Interview (20 points) Robot Competition (15 points) Spirit & Sportsmanship (10 points) The Spirit & Sportsmanship category weighs 10 points into the 100 point total for the BEST Award

To display team spirit and sportsmanship at the competition Purpose To display team spirit and sportsmanship at the competition The purpose of this category is to display team spirit & sportsmanship throughout the competition.

What is spirit? Ask for student answers – What is spirit? What are some examples of spirit?

Spirit BE CREATIVE! Think of something new that is going to make the judges remember your team and robot! Team Hats Decorated Robots Team T-shirts Team Cheers Costumes Spirit Songs Buttons Number of Supporters in the Stands Theme Music Freebies with logo Banners Team/Robot Fact Sheets Posters School Bands Cheerleaders Challenge for everyone: Come up with something that I am going to remember next year! What is going to make your team memorable? What is going to make your team stand out when I look up into the stands? These are a list of some things that some of the teams have used to promote spirit… what can you do that’s not on the list?

Bands You can bring your school band! Don’t have a school band? Maybe there is a group of team members who have a musical talent… use your talents!

School Mascots Bring your school mascot! 

Homemade Mascots Make your own mascot!

Cheerleaders Cheerleaders!

Posters Costumes and posters!

Themes & Costumes Have a creative theme (that of course ties into the game theme in some sort) and dress up with costumes! :)

Team T-Shirts Team T-shirts!! Don’t forget about the team t-shirt competition! T-shirts are to be turned into the team check-in table by 5:00 PM on Friday, October 31st.

Stands Full of Supporters Invite your community! Fill the stands with your supporters! Invite the teachers from your school, students from your school, business professionals that have sponsored you, the community as a whole – fill the stands!

Evaluation Spirit includes the vigor and enthusiasm displayed by team representatives. Teams can use posters, props, t-shirts, cheerleaders, musicians, mascots, costumes, and lower-frequency noise-makers to increase the level of spirit. Community involvement: number of team supporters present at competition (other than students). You will be evaluated based on observation of team members, teachers, mentors, and spectators Your spirit will be observed throughout the competition rounds as well as throughout the competition in the seating area, table display area, game area, and pit area

Exhibit vigor and enthusiasm throughout competition event Spirit Score Sheet Exhibit vigor and enthusiasm throughout competition event 12 - 10 Clear evidence of continued support over an extended time period, group is loud and enthusiastic and consistent encouragement for own team and opponents’. 9 – 7 Evidence of support most of the time, group is often loud and enthusiastic, but inconsistent for opponent teams. 6 – 4 Group is loud and enthusiastic once or twice, and there is not visible encouragement for opponent teams. 3 -1 You can tell some people are rooting for the team once in a while. You will be evaluated based on observation of team members, teachers, mentors, and spectators Your spirit will be observed throughout the competition rounds as well as throughout the competition in the seating area, table display area, game area, and pit area

Use of signs, posters, props, costumes, t-shirts, etc. Spirit Score Sheet Use of signs, posters, props, costumes, t-shirts, etc. 12 - 10 Group uses multiple avenues of support – signs, posters, props, costumes, t-shirts, these are creative and noticeable. 9 – 7 Group uses 3 or more methods of support, but they are not particularly creative or noticeable. 6 – 4 Group shows support through 1 or 2 methods in a creative way. 3 -1 Group shows support through 1 or 2 methods, but they are not creative or noticeable. You will be evaluated based on observation of team members, teachers, mentors, and spectators Your spirit will be observed throughout the competition rounds as well as throughout the competition in the seating area, table display area, game area, and pit area

Cheerleaders, mascots, bands, organized noise-makers, etc. Spirit Score Sheet Cheerleaders, mascots, bands, organized noise-makers, etc. 8 – 6 Group has several of these things (cheerleaders, mascots, bands, noise-makers), they are noticeable and appropriately used. 5 – 3 Group has several things, but they are not prominent and are noticeable or appropriately used. 3 -1 Group has one of these things, but many not noticeable or appropriately used. You will be evaluated based on observation of team members, teachers, mentors, and spectators Your spirit will be observed throughout the competition rounds as well as throughout the competition in the seating area, table display area, game area, and pit area

Number of supporters with school (other than students) Spirit Score Sheet Number of supporters with school (other than students) 8 – 6 It is clear there are many non-students supporters, and they are actively engaged. 5 – 3 There are clearly a few supporters other than students, but appear to be somewhat disengaged. 2 – 1 You think they have non-student supporters, but you aren’t sure. You will be evaluated based on observation of team members, teachers, mentors, and spectators Your spirit will be observed throughout the competition rounds as well as throughout the competition in the seating area, table display area, game area, and pit area

Special Note Please note that supporters and students should be actively engaged in the event at all times and should not be: On their cell phones texting Sleeping Playing Gameboys On computers unless for scoring software Listening to iPods And so on…

What is sportsmanship? Ask the students – What is sportsmanship? What are some examples of sportsmanship?

Evaluation Sportsmanship includes outward displays of sportsmanship (i.e. helping other teams in need), grace in winning and losing, and conduct and attitude considered befitting participation in sports. Overall team sportsmanship is also demonstrated by students (not mentors) making the majority of robot adjustments and repairs during the competition. You will be evaluated based on observation of team members, teachers, mentors, and spectators Your spirit will be observed throughout the competition rounds as well as throughout the competition in the seating area, table display area, game area, and pit area

Sportsmanship Outward displays of sportsmanship Helping teams in need Mentoring teams Grace in winning and losing Conduct and attitude considered befitting participation in sports Evidence that students (not mentors) are making the majority of robot adjustments and repairs How might you display sportsmanship? You might help a team in need – lending a screwdriver to the team exhibit next to you… Mentoring teams prior to the competition or helping a team during the competition Showing grace in both winning and losing Evidence that students are making a majority of robot adjustments and repairs throughout the competition (in the pits)

Team Ballots Teams will vote for BEST Award teams that they think are demonstrating good spirit and sportsmanship. Points will be awarded for both casting your vote and receiving votes. These points are averaged with the spirit and sportsmanship judges’ results to determine a final score for each team. Your team ballot will along with further instructions will be provided when you check-in at Game Day. Teams will vote for BEST Award teams that they think are demonstrating good spirit and sportsmanship. Points will be awarded for both casting your vote and receiving votes. These points are averaged with the spirit and sportsmanship judges’ results to determine a final score for each team. Your team ballot will along with further instructions will be provided when you check-in at Game Day.

Sportsmanship Score Sheet Outward display of sportsmanship (e.g. helping other teams in need) 20 – 19 You clearly see and hear 2 or more instances of helping another team that are genuine. 18 – 15 You clearly see and hear of at least one instance of helping another team that are genuine. 14 – 10 You clearly see and hear of stances of helping another team but not authentic. 9 – 5 Group appears to helpful, but you have no direct evidence. 4 – 0 Minimal engagement with other teams, or teammates on their own team. You will be evaluated based on observation of team members, teachers, mentors, and spectators Your spirit will be observed throughout the competition rounds as well as throughout the competition in the seating area, table display area, game area, and pit area

Sportsmanship Score Sheet Conduct an attitude considered befitting participating in sports (e.g. grace in winning and losing). 20 – 19 Team actively cheers for other teams no matter what the circumstances, they always show respect for others. 18 – 15 Team generally cheers for and supports other teams most of the time. 14 – 10 Team sometimes cheers for others. 9 – 5 Group shows respect for others most of the time. 4 – 0 Team shows minimal respect for others. You will be evaluated based on observation of team members, teachers, mentors, and spectators Your spirit will be observed throughout the competition rounds as well as throughout the competition in the seating area, table display area, game area, and pit area

Sportsmanship Score Sheet Evidence that students are the primary “pit crew” (robot repairs and adjustments during competition) 20 – 16 Students clearly do all of the work with minimal guidance from adults. 15 – 10 Students do most of the work with some help from adults. 9 – 5 Adults are in charge in the pit and students are doing some work. 4 – 0 Adults are in charge in the pit and students are doing minimal work. You will be evaluated based on observation of team members, teachers, mentors, and spectators Your spirit will be observed throughout the competition rounds as well as throughout the competition in the seating area, table display area, game area, and pit area

Remember… The following noise-makers will not be allowed during the competition: air-horns, vuvuzela horns, whistles (and similar high frequency items), amplified sounds or amplified instruments The Hub Director, Awards & Judging Coordinator, Head Referee, and Head Judge have the right to ban any noise-makers that are deemed to potentially cause hearing damage by those in attendance or cause game interference or excessive distraction at the competition. Friendly reminder of noise-makers that are not allowed at a Bison BEST event… Vuvuzela Horns (pictured on slide) Air Horns

Questions? Questions? If there are any that you can’t answer – they can always ask Awards & Judging Coordinator, Briana, either at Kick-Off or by emailing ndsurobotics@gmail.com . Best of luck this season!!  See you in 6 weeks!