Curriculum Overview Year 6 Autumn Term 2016 English Fiction Genres Recount Explanation Poetry (vocab & structure) Reports (cross-curricular) Class Book – There’s a Boy in the Girl’s Bathroom by Louis Sachar Mathematics Place value – decimal numbers Rounding decimal numbers Multiples, factors and primes Tests of divisibility Fractions – equivalents and ordering Area and perimeter Angles on a straight line, around a point and in triangles Written methods for + - x ÷ Systematic investigations (weekly) Science How we see Things Light – We will solve a Crime Lab Investigation Changing Circuits Electric Celebrations – Enter the Dragon’s Den and market our very own inventive festive lights decoration Computing Robotics We will investigate automated systems in the wider world & program physical devices, controlling input and output. + e-Safety opportunities. PE Dance – The Haka Poi Invasion Games – Tag Rugby & Football Curriculum Overview Year 6 Autumn Term 2016 The Arts Art - A study of landscape art DT- Design and build model structures - bridges. Music - History / Geography Industrial Revolution/Isambard Kingdom Brunel Trip to The Black Country Museum (Nov) using locational knowledge of the Earth, Ordnance survey maps, six-figure grid references. SMSC/ British Values Golden Rules Mindfulness Organising & running Pupil Voice Groups RE Christian and Buddhist Beliefs and Practices Christmas MFL French Songs & Games General Phrases