Democrats and Republicans
Democrats Thomas Jefferson founded the party in 1792 and was called the “Democratic-Republican Party”. This party was established to fight in favor of the Bill of Rights and against the Federalist Party.
Democrats Known as the “Party of the Common Man” Thomas Jefferson was the first Democratic president. In 1844, the party’s name was simplified to the Democratic Party. Gave rights to the first immigrants
Democrats Presidents include Woodrow Wilson, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Bill Clinton, John F. Kennedy, and Harry Truman.
Democrats The Democrats are (left wing) or liberal meaning they accept change. Democrats favor tax cuts only for the middle class and poor, health care for all, pro-choice abortion, gun control, and protecting the Environment.
Donkey During the 1828 presidential campaign, opponents or Democrat, Andrew Jackson, called him a jackass because of his stubbornness. Instead of rejecting this, Jackson used it on his campaign flyers. Political cartoonist, Thomas Nast, used the donkey as the symbol of the Democrat Party.
Republicans Born in the early 1850s by people who were against slavery. Believed that the government should give western land to settlers free of charge.
Republicans First informal meeting of the party took place in Ripon, Wisconsin. First official meeting took place July 6, 1854 in Jackson, Michigan. When developed was considered a third party, because the two main political parties were the Democrats and Whigs.
Republicans Abraham Lincoln was the first Republican to become president. In 1896, Republicans were the first party to support the right for women to vote.
Republicans Symbol of the Republican Party is the elephant. Known as the G.O.P. party which stands for “gallant old party”
Republicans For 28 of the 40 years from 1952 to 1992, the White House had Republican presidents. Famous Republican presidents: Dwight Eisenhower, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, and Gerald Ford.
Republicans The Republican Party is very conservative (right wing) meaning they like little change. Republicans do not support abortion, they support the right to own guns, tax cut for all people including the wealthy, and students who go to a private school should have a right to government money. They are against Obamacare.
Democrat and Republican Brochure Fold a sheet of typing paper in half. On one side of the paper label it Republicans and the other side label it Democrats. For each party do the following: Draw and color the animal that represents it. ____4pts Label as liberal or conservative ____2pts Year created ____2pts Three presidents who were from that party _____4pts Six facts about each. ______12pts Neatness/Creativity: ____1pt Total: _____25pts