Starter What is your grade in this class? List everything that you are missing or have a low grade on. Mid-term is this Thursday, what can you do to get your grade up before then? Once done draw an image of your favorite animal.
Art B Spirit Animals
Pick up either a cardboard paper or a white paper tapped to a board Starter/Bell Work 4.18.2017 - DO Pick up either a cardboard paper or a white paper tapped to a board Please do not use the things at your table
Agenda Do – Bell Work FYI Go over what we did last time Go over the different stations and how to use mixed media to make your spirit animal. Go to all the stations to add to your mixed media image.
For Your Information - FYI Parent Teacher Conferences on Thursday from 3:30-6:30pm We will double check your grades next class Need to finish the last project Come in after school Wednesday this week, or during lunch any day this week Recycled Art will go to the Eccles Community Art Center today for the competition, if yours is not done it can’t go, so get it done
We finished our landscape drawings and turned them in. Last Time We finished our landscape drawings and turned them in. Some of you (those who finished and did well) were entered into a contest.
Chalk Showing Gradation Add the chalk as a dust or as drawing to show gradation on your board.
Oil pastel showing contrast Oil pastel is great for showing contrast with dark and light colors. Use the oil pastel and create a section of contrast in your background.
Stamps showing shape Create a stamp with the foam. Use the acrylic paint to stamp onto your board.
Showing texture with glue and paper paper, book pages, tissue paper glue This station you glue down page sections, tissue paper, or colored paper to create a texture on your board and add additional color.
Stencils and Acrylic paint to create pattern This station you can use the acrylic paint to paint patterns You can also use the stencils to create a pattern on your painting board.
When is your birthday? Write it on the back of you paper Now write the animal for your birthday next to it Next class we will read all the stories of each animal You’d be surprised how many people are more similar to their animal than you think, the stories help tell a lot more about your animal
Spirit Creature Determined by your birthday Jan 20th – Feb. 18th = Otter Feb 19th – Mar. 20th = Wolf Mar. 21st – Apr. 19th = Falcon Apr. 20th – May 20th = Beaver May 21st – Jun 20th = Deer Jun. 21st – Jul. 21st = Woodpecker Jul. 22nd – Aug 21st = Salmon Aug. 22nd Sep. 21st = Bear Sep. 22nd – Oct. 22nd = Raven Oct. 23rd – Nov. 22nd = Snake Nov. 23rd – Dec. 21st = Owl Dec. 22nd – Jan 19th = Goose
Studio Time You will rotate every 10 min. You must go in order of the stations so if you are at station 1 go to 2 if you are at station 5 go to 1 and so on. Work with the tools at that station and add what is necessary for each station.
Clean up! You should put all the supplies back in the middle of the table. You should put your background on the drying rack. You should clean all brushes and pallets you used. Make sure that you table is dry and clean.
Exit Pass 4.18.2017 Which station did you like the most today and why? What are you looking forward to next class? Do you have any concerns with this project? See you all Thursday !